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vary widely

"vary widely"的翻译和解释


  • The selected films vary widely from light comedy to hard - hitting drama and many of them clearly represent early sketches of their director ' s emerging style
  • We separate out the design constraints from the non - functional requirements because they can vary widely , depending upon the customer s environment
  • Residential mobility , which varies widely with characteristics of the household , is thus one of the key factors in the demographic dynamics of the neighborhood
  • Opinions vary widely on what standard defines the " tallest building in the world , " whether it includes towers or antenna or neither in the measurement of height
  • The symptoms of down syndrome can vary widely from child to child . while some kids with ds need a lot of medical attention , others lead very healthy and independent lives
  • This can happen if xml documents are parsed infrequently , or if the number of threads within your application varies widely xerces - c parsers are not re - entrant
    如果不经常解析xml文档,或者应用程序中的线程数量变化很大( xerces - c + +解析器不支持再次进入) ,就会出现这种情况。
  • The effects of following the guidelines will vary widely , ranging from improving communication among team members to developing specific ways to use testing and debugging tools
  • Yet in a nation of 3 million teachers , the definition of highly qualified varies widely and may not ensure quality at all - - not what bush and congress intended
  • Thursday , may 10 ( healthday news ) - - patients ' access to new and better cancer drugs varies widely depending on which country they live in , a new swedish study says
    5月10日,星期四, (每日健康新闻) ?一项新的瑞典研究称,癌症患者能否得到更新更好的抗癌药物治疗,根据其所在国不同而有很大差异。
  • The study investigates the impact on medical care of imposing virtually uniform pay rates in the nhs throughout england , even though wages in the private sector vary widely among regions
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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