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  • The research of pressure of air shock wave on the cover - board of double - storeyed basements
  • User interface design standards should be set during the define infrastructure stage ( ambler , 1998b )
  • The upper structures of both trees are identical , but the lower levels are organized very differently , reflecting the differences in the two binding definitions
  • In doing so , you should be finding that the more generic an application s underlying structure is , the more robust and maintainable it is over time
  • : systems architecture : the underlying structure of a system , such as a communication network , a neural network , a spacecraft , a computer , major software or an organization
  • [ rechtin 92 ] : systems architecture : the underlying structure of a system , such as a communication network , a neural network , a spacecraft , a computer , major software or an organization
  • Through adding an overlay upon the physical network , p2p network can work efficiently . there are a lot of p2p applications nowadays . and some of them are quite successful
    P2p网络是在物理网络之上构建的一层覆盖网络( overlay ) ,因此不需要改变现有的网络底层结构,可以根据需要灵活应用。
  • When a java object is persisted using serialization semantics , the underlying structure of the data becomes a stream of bytes representing the associations between various internal objects of the core object that has been serialized
  • We constructed the ticket ontology and ticket service using these technologies , and applied ontology modeling technology , knowledge inference technology and primitive - based interaction technology in this domain . these measures made the infrastructure of web services more complete , intelligent and extensible
    我们基于这些技术构造了ticketontology和ticketservice ,在此服务领域内推广和应用了本体建模技术、知识推理技术和基于原语的交互技术,使得web服务体系的底层结构更为完备,具有更好的智能性和可扩展性。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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