There was a great deal of breakage in that shipment of glassware . 那批玻璃器皿损坏了很多。
She made sure that the glassware and earthenware were always spotlessly clean . 她总是把玻璃器皿和陶器洗刷得干干净净。
Dry heat is used principally to sterilize glassware on other heatstable solid materials . 干热主要应用于灭菌玻璃器皿或其他耐热的固态材料。
For difficult-to-clean glassware, electric ashing as a means of cleaning has been suggested . 对于难洗涮的玻璃器皿,有人建议用电灰化的办法清洗。
Once it was new glassware, and his discerning eye immediately spotted an error in the presidential crest etched on the glass . 有一次,他那对明察秋毫的眼睛一下子就看出一件玻璃器皿上面蚀刻的总统像的纹饰有毛病。
Although this method avoids the necessity of using aseptic techniqnes, as in the method of gilmore, we recommend that sterilized glassware be used . 虽然这种方法免去了应用灭菌技术的必要性,就像在Gilmore的方法中那样,我们还是建议采用消毒的玻璃器皿。