He went directly to the point, both with people and airplanes . 他对人,对飞机都直截了当非常干脆。
His words go directly to the heart, finding their support in the understanding . 他的话深深打动人心,引人共鸣。
She respected andrew's wisdom, his knack of going directly to the nub of any situation . 她遵重安德鲁的才智和他在任何情况下都能一语道破的本领。
I will go directly to mr. bennet, and we shall very soon settle it with her, i am sure . 我马上去找班纳特先生,我们一下子就会把她这个问题谈妥的,我有把握。
For some sediments and flow the flat bed does not occur and the bed form goes directly from dunes to antidunes . 对某些泥沙和水流,平整床面并不发生,而床面形状则直接从沙垄转为逆行沙垄。
The pendulum output is divided, part going directly to the tilt-axis torques and another portion feeding the torques via a thermal integrator . 摆锤单元输出有讯号分成两部分,一部分直接输入倾斜轴力矩受感器,而另一部分通过热积分器后再送到力矩受感器。
Blindfolded ? - do not pass go , go directly to phd -放水? -直接给你博士学位
If you encounter no resistance , go directly to the forum 如果没有遇到抵抗就直接把这份布告
Shall we start with white wine or go directly to red wine 我们要先喝白酒还是直接就喝红酒?