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  • New technologies of aluminium extraction from wide known kaolin rocks , high - alumina schists , anorthosites and some other non - bauxite raw materials have been elaborated in the amur scientific centre ( asc ) feb ras
  • These results showed that cyt b gene is very suitable for identifying subspecies of tiger . we proposed specific haplotypes on cyt b gene for specifically identifying amur tiger , bengal tiger , indo - china tiger and sumatran tiger
  • The result showed that 79 polymorphic sites forming 9 haplotypes were found within the 381bp region in d - loop ; two types of sequences were discovered in d - loop region of amur tiger , short sequence that is highly homologous to other species , and long sequence that contains a 22bp insertion
    )个单倍型; d - loop区中存在着两种序列:一是与其他物种同源性很高的“正常序列” ,称为“短序列” ;二是带有22bp的插入片断的“非正常序列” ,称为“长序列” 。
  • Gland , switzerland - heavy snowfalls in the primorskii region , in far east russia , are likely to dramatically reduce the numbers of ungulates such as deers - and hence threaten their predators , the far eastern leopard and the amur tiger , wwf , the conservation organization , said here today
  • " for a long time wwf has been offering to develop an ungulates recovery programme as the basis for long - term conservation of the amur tiger and far eastern leopard , " stresses dr . yuri darman , director of wwf s operations in far eastern russia . " unfortunately this is still not in place . for the time being , we are taking emergency measures in co - operation with the wildlife and game service to save the ungulates .
    世界自然基金会俄罗斯远东的项目总裁yuri darman博士强调:为了长久保育东北虎和远东豹,我们一直建议采取有蹄动物拯救计划,可惜这个计划未能实施,此时此刻,我们正联合野生物及猎物服务采取紧急措施,拯救有蹄动物。
  • One small captive population of amur tigers ( panthera tigris altica ) , which had 14 - year captive history since its foundation in 1986 , was selected for such population genetic researches in this paper , which contained three experimental parts as : ( 1 ) dna extraction from shed hairs . three methods , which were chelex , ionic detergent and non - ionic detergent , were respectively used to digest the shed hairs of one amur tiger
    本文利用chelex 、离子型和无离子型分解液三种方法对在东北虎( pantheratigrtsaltica )换毛期采集的自然脱落毛发进行了dna提取,并对部分毛发分解原液进行蛋白质沉淀,对于毛发分解残留物也进行了核细胞分解与蛋白质沉淀再处理,对上述提取产物进行rapd扩增。
  • A sequence of 381bp in d - loop region of 13 amur tiger mtdna were cloned and sequenced . 2 sequences of amur tiger d - loop region and 32 sequences of cyt b gene of 4 tiger subspecies in genbank were also combined to our data in the analysis of characteristics of the two regions for evaluating their significance of subspecies identification
    本文克隆并测定了13只东北虎mtdnad - loop区381bp的序列,并对这些序列和genbank中注册的2个东北虎d - loop区序列和32个虎cytb基因全序列(包含4个亚种)进行了分析,研究了cytb基因和d - loop区序列的特点及其在亚种识别中的价值。
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