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  • M . de blacas returned as speedily as he had departed , but in the ante - chamber he was forced to appeal to the king s authority
  • " fortunately , sire , " said m . de blacas , " we can rely on the army ; your majesty knows how every report confirms their loyalty and attachment .
    “幸亏,陛下, ”勃拉卡斯说, “我们可以信赖陆军,陛下知道。所有的报告都证实他们是忠心耿耿的。 ”
  • Blacas , remain . " ah , sir , " said the minister of police to villefort , as they left the tuileries , " you entered by luck s door - your fortune is made .
    “啊,先生, ”在他们离开杜伊勒里宫的时候,警务部长对维尔福说, “您走的门路不错,您的前程远大! ”
  • " blacas , my friend , you have but limited comprehension . i told you villefort was ambitions , and to attain this ambition villefort would sacrifice everything , even his father .
    我告诉过您,维尔福是很有野心的,只要自己能成功,他什么都可以牺牲掉,甚至于他的父亲。 ”
  • He exclaimed . " you appear quite aghast . has your uneasiness anything to do with what m . de blacas has told me , and m . de villefort has just confirmed ?
    他惊讶地问, “看来你好象是一副大难临头的样子,你这惊慌犹豫的样子,是否与刚才勃拉卡斯先生又加以证实的事有关? ”
  • Laughing ; " the greatest captains of antiquity amused themselves by casting pebbles into the ocean - see plutarch s life of scipio africanus . " m . de blacas pondered deeply between the confident monarch and the truthful minister
  • " really , m . de blacas , i must change your armorial bearings ; i will give you an eagle with outstretched wings , holding in its claws a prey which tries in vain to escape , and bearing this device - tenax .
    我让你猜一谜,有一只展开双翅的老鹰,它的脚爪抓住了一只猎物,这个猎物想逃跑,但又逃不了,它的名字就叫做拉丁文:固执。 ”
  • Cried de blacas . at this instant the minister of police appeared at the door , pale , trembling , and as if ready to faint . villefort was about to retire , but m . de blacas , taking his hand , restrained him
  • " speak as fully as you please , sir , " said the king , who began to give way to the emotion which had showed itself in blacas s face and affected villefort s voice . " speak , sir , and pray begin at the beginning ; i like order in everything .
    “你尽量说吧,先生, ”国王说,他开始被勃拉卡斯脸上的神色和维尔福激动的语气打动了, “说吧,先生,请从头说起,我喜欢一切都有条有理。 ”
  • " and now , gentlemen , " he continued , turning towards m . de blacas and the minister of police , " i have no further occasion for you , and you may retire ; what now remains to do is in the department of the minister of war .
    “那也好, ”国王又开始说道, “先生们, ”他转过向勃拉卡斯公爵和警务大臣说道, “我对你们没有什么可以谈的了,你们可以退下了。剩下的事必须由陆军部来办理了。 ”
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