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  • I need to buy relay , we are looking for chines parts to complete less parts in the market & look for cheaper good with hight quality goods
  • We are glad to learn that we can deliver the items in question without chines labels . that makes it much easier for us
  • While in the process of industrialization , the natural envitonment of chine has been seriously danseaged , the living environment of peasants is deteriorating day by day
  • This is same as chines would never claim " jesus " origined from china , or jesus is a chinese , or claim buddha origined in china
  • Use : chine is used to inspect pulling , folding metal . it can also used to nonmetal material such as plastic , concrete and cement
  • When brother chine was asked if he ever encounters difficulties in his work , he said , " for some time , i felt like going back home to formosa very much
  • L ' entreprise a capitaux mixtes franco - chinois est une des formes les plus importantes que la chine utilise pour introduire les capitaux directs de la france
  • Chiang , chine chung , 1999 , georadar investigations in geotechnical engineering , proceedings of the 5th far - east conference on nondestructive testing , pp . 443 - 450
    江健仲, 1999 ,应用表面波评估土壤模数之斜坡效应,第8届大地工程学术研究讨论会,屏东恒春
  • It was the former chine - guizhou aviation group ( military industry ) yuntian camshaft factory in2003 , it was annexed by guizhou flying dragon energy group
    始建于1994 , 2003年按照国家经贸委等八部委[ 2002 ]国经贸企改字859号文件改制,隶属于贵州龙翔能源集团。
  • As far as the external conditions of risk control are concerned , it is unsuitable for chine to set up deposit insurance system in transitional period
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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