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  • The 68 - month - long deflation ended in july 2004 . cpi inflation in 2005 is expected to be 1 . 5 %
  • Information systems - recorded magnetic tape for information interchange - 6250 cpi , group - coded recording
    信息系统.信息交换用可记录磁带. 6250 cpi组编码记录
  • The annual growth in the consumer price index ( cpi ) surged to 5 . 6 percent in july , the highest in a decade
    七月份的消费者物价指数年比上涨5 . 6 % ,创十年来新高。
  • Increase in food price pushed cpi inflation to grow at the fastest pace in two years at 3 . 3 % in march
    食品价格的上涨导致cpi在3月份创出了两年以来的最高增速3 . 3 % 。
  • Eurozone april cpi and march industrial production data on thursday are the major releases in europe next week
  • Cpi has prided itself in the design , manufacturing , and marketing of quality innovative electronic controls
  • Cpi also has as its component the highest percentage of expenditure on " miscellaneous services "
  • As from the reference month of october 2000 onwards , the year - on - year rates of change are derived from the 1999 2000 - based cpis
  • As from the reference month of october 2000 onwards , the year - on - year rates of change are derived from the 19992000 - based cpis
  • Adjust the oea annually according to the movement of cpi , be it an inflation year or a deflation year ; and
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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