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  • Stuttgart ' s minister for sports , susanne eisenmann surrounded by journalists as she details the race organiser ' s court injunction over the participation of paolo bettini and danilo di luca
    德国体育部长今天宣布法庭通过一项议案阻止贝迪尼和迪鲁卡( 2007年环意总冠军)参加本周日在斯图加特举行的世锦赛公路精英赛。
  • But just as danilo was about to go , natasha , wrapped in a big shawl of her old nurses , ran into the room , not yet dressed , and her hair in disorder . petya ran in with her
  • Arch . danilo beltrame has been working also as professional consultant on both architecture and interior design . house , commercial space , restaurant and public spaces design cover most of the work
  • This personage was a grey - bearded old man , wearing a womans gown and a high , peaked cap . it was the buffoon , nastasya ivanovna . well , nastasya ivanovna , whispered the count , winking at him , you only scare off the game , and danilo will give it you
    “喂,纳斯塔西娅伊万诺夫娜, ”伯爵向他递了个眼色,用耳语说, “你只会把野兽轰出洞来,丹尼洛要给你个厉害瞧。 ”
  • Nikolay neither saw nor heard danilo till his panting chestnut darted close by him , and he heard the sound of a falling body and saw danilo lying in the midst of the dogs on the wolfs back , trying to get him by the ears
  • Five minutes later danilo and uvarka were standing in nikolays big study . although danilo was not tall , to see him in a room gave one an impression such as one has on seeing a horse or bear standing on the floor among the furniture and surroundings of human life
  • But seeing that the hunters did not dismount from their horses , and that the wolf was shaking himself free , and again making his escape , danilo galloped his own horse , not towards the wolf , but in a straight line towards the copse , to cut him off , as karay had done
  • Danilo , said nikolay , at the sight of this hunting weather , those dogs , and the huntsman , feeling shyly that he was being carried away by that irresistible sporting passion in which a man forgets all his previous intentions , like a man in love at the sight of his mistress
  • Nikolay , his groom , the uncle , and his huntsman pranced about the beast with shouts and cries of loo , every minute on the point of dismounting when the wolf crouched back , and dashing forward again every time the wolf shook himself free and moved towards the copse , where his safety lay . at the beginning of this onset danilo , hearing the hunters cries , had darted out of the copse
  • And round the corner came the huntsman and whipper - in , danilo , a grey , wrinkled man , with his hair cropped round in the ukrainian fashion . he held a bent whip in his hand , and his face had that expression of independence and scorn for everything in the world , which is only to be seen in huntsmen
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