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  • A deserter from the french camp was brought to him . it was a polish under - officer of poniatovskys corps
  • Since spike might be an army deserter , rehgar feels confident enough to use him as his new gladiator without worrying about alliance revenge
  • The deserter made no reply to these words , and with a resolute air mounted his horse and rode off with grekovs men , who were hurriedly gathered together
  • As so often happens when the man in whom we are putting faith is no longer before our eyes , it all seemed at once perfectly clear and obvious to him that the deserter had been playing them false , that he had been telling them lies , and was only spoiling the whole attack by removing these two regiments , which he was leading awaygod only knew where
  • After many disputes and confabulations , it was settled that major - general grekov , with two regiments of cossacks , should go with the polish deserter . now , remember , said count orlov - denisov to the polish deserter , as he dismissed him , if you have been lying , i will have you shot like a dog , but if its true , a hundred crowns
    “你可要记住, ”奥尔洛夫杰尼索夫伯爵在送走那个中士时对他说, “你要是说了谎话,我一定把你当一条狗吊死,要是真的,我就赏给你一百个金币。 ”
  • We all profess the christian law of forgiveness of sins and love for ones neighbourthe law , in honour of which we have raised forty times forty churches in moscowbut yesterday we knouted to death a deserter ; and the minister of that same law of love and forgiveness , the priest , gave the soldier the cross to kiss before his punishment
    我们都信守基督教教规恕罪爱他人,为此在莫斯科建立了四十个教区的四十座教堂,可是昨天就有一名逃兵被鞭笞致死,在宣布极刑前,那个爱与恕的教规的执行人神甫,叫那名士兵亲吻十字架。 ”
  • Counts were also made of deserters , servicemen sentenced to correctional labor institutions , servicemen sentenced to death , servicemen removed from the count of permanent losses ( i . e . turned out to be alive ) , servicemen suspected of collaborating with the germans , and servicemen who were captured but survived
    统计中还包括这些类别,逃兵,被判决入劳改营的服役者(鸟注:我怀疑根本不是入劳改营,而是入惩戒营) ,被判死型的服役者,从永久性损失中剔除的服役者(也就是改列为生还者) ,被怀疑通敌的服役者,和被俘后生还的服役者。
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