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  • In connection with this , it is relevant to note that in commenting on sph s allegation that the government has " rushed " into awarding the criii in february 2003 , mr justice hartmann remarked that " the executive cannot always bow to the pressure of threatened litigation and it is always a question of policy whether an approved plan should be fulfilled without delay or whether delay is prudent " para . 91 of the judgment
    在这方面,应注意的一点是,夏正民法官在评论保护海港协会指政府在2003年2月"仓猝"批出中区填海第三期工程合约时指出, "行政机关不能在每当有人以诉讼要胁时便作出让步,至于应否如期按照核准图落实工程计划,还是暂缓施工较为谨慎,则始终属于政策方面的考虑"判词第91段。
  • Because the element of the far field diagnosis system which is used to detecte facula is ccd , when it works , much types of noise will affect it , and threshold value will affect the efficient signal . in this paper , hartmann - shack wavefront sensor which can detect the phase of beam is studied , what is detected by hartmann - shack wavefront sensor can be transform into far field , and we compare this result with that detected by the far field diagnosis system , and we can know which system is more accurate
    事实上, hartmann - shack波前传感器的ccd在探测光斑阵列时,也同样受ccd噪声因素的影响,并且还有波前本身的复原误差,但是hartamnn - shack波前传感器的ccd噪声影响的是波前复原精度,虽然这也将导致事后处理远场光斑的误差,但这种误差与远场测量系统的误差相比孰大孰小是本文研究的主要内容。
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