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  • In one heady week before the age of four , tito learned to add and subtract numbers and compose words by pointing to numbers and letters written on a board
  • Here ' s to the heady aroma of the frost - kissed apples , the winey smell of ripened grapes , the wild - as - the - wind smell of hickory nuts and the nostalgic whiff of that first wood smoke
  • This liquid behavior of the quark - gluon medium must mean that these particles interact with one another rather strongly during their heady moments of liberation right after formation
  • Not since the heady days of his first season has that chant been heard so vociferously and there were also standing ovations from parts of the crowd every time he trotted across to take a corner
  • Will a prolonged spell of $ 70 - a - barrel oil bring asia ' s high - flying economies crashing to earth and end the heady growth and low inflation in which many have basked for the past five years
  • With its long distances , scattered population and outstanding natural beauty , this outpost on the edge of europe is a land of contrasts ? a heady mix of spectacular scenery and high technology
    这个位于欧洲边缘地带的前哨之国地域狭长、人口稀松、天然美景出众,是一片充满反差的土地? ?把壮丽风光和高科技融为一体的醉人之地。
  • Emmeloord , netherlands ( reuters ) - motorists nostalgic for the time they could sit tight while attendants braved windswept garage forecourts to fill their tanks may yet see those heady days return - - compliments of a dutch robot
    荷兰, emmeloord (路透社) - -那些对安稳坐在车内等服务生顶着风给他们加油怀念的司机们可能会再次体验”那段好时光“ - -多亏一种土耳其机器人。
  • Is at once an electrifying story of dylans journey from his roots in minnesota , to his early days in greenwich village coffee houses , and to his tumultuous ascent to stardom in 1966 , as well as a chronicle of the heady and hopeful days of the 60s
    》 。这部戴伦迷期待多年的纪录片,结合了戴伦的冒起与历程,和他存活的时代:复杂、微妙、引人入胜。戴伦满胸热忱也满怀野心,渴望光荣、永恒、全世界。
  • Putting on my ' masters of the universe ` braces , i learn that ' liverpool are on the verge of a new era after the chairman and majority shareholder , david moores , granted dubai international capital permission to undertake due diligence in anticipation of a 450m takeover of the anfield club . ` for us football fans , this is heady stuff
    在我背上“宇宙主人”的背带时,我就听说利物浦主席和股份持有人戴维莫尔承认迪拜国际资本公司希望用4亿5000万英镑收购利物浦后说: “利物浦将要开启一个新的时代。 ”
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