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  • " ding , dong ! " sounded the hyacinth bells . " we do not toll for little kay ; we do not know him . that is our way of singing , the only one we have .
    “叮!当! ”风信子的铃敲起来了。 “我们不是为小小的加伊而敲? ?我们不认识他!我们只是唱着我们的歌? ?我们所知道的唯一的歌。 ”
  • Still , she nosed her way up unevenly , till she came to where the hyacinths were all around her , then she balked , struggled , jerked a little way out of the flowers , then stopped
  • Century ck security locks . with a unique set of bar - hyacinth which greatly increased the twisting force to unlock , can prevent the shake of the chain of soft keys , and also constantly shedding rafah
  • The order of uptake amount of a same pesticide by plants was water hyacinth > rice > canna > taro > alligator > willow > tea plant , and the uptake of dimethoate was greater than that of dicofol
  • The lush , dark green of hyacinths was a sea , with buds rising like pale corn , while in the riding the forget - me - nots were fluffing up , and columbines were unfolding their ink - purple ruches , and there were bits of blue bird s eggshell under a bush
  • And thus i saw the horses in the vision and those sitting on them , having breastplates of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone ; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions , and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone
  • Rev . 9 : 17 and thus i saw the horses in the vision and those sitting on them , having breastplates of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone ; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions , and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone
  • The minor grain and bean crops are commonly called the minor grain crops , which mainly cover buckwheat ( common buckwheat and bitter buckwheat ) , oats , corn millet , naked barley , mung bean , adzuki bean , pea , broad bean , kidney bean , cowpea , hyacinth bean and black soy bean
    小宗粮豆作物通常被称为小杂粮,主要包括荞麦(甜荞和苦荞) 、燕麦、糜子、青稞、绿豆、小豆、豌豆、蚕豆、芸豆、豇豆、小扁豆、黑豆等。
  • On the toilet table the bouquets - roses , lilacs and hyacinths - appeared like a very ruin of flowers . their perfume was strong and penetrating , while through the dampish air of the place , which was full of the spoiled exhalations of the washstand , came occasional whiffs of a more pungent scent , the scent of some grains or dry patchouli ground to fine powder at the bottom of a cup
  • The trade - off problems arising from ecosystem modification is ubiquitous in sabah - absolutely polluted rivers , beautiful oxbow lakes eaten away by invasive alien freshwater hyacinths or salvinia molesta from south america and their resultant death through triplication , sedimentary blooms encroaching mangroves , coastal fishing grounds , unprecedented long and deeper flooding in the major river basins . take the ecosystem services away , mankind is as well dead . for instance , nutrient formation needed by man , water cycling , soil formation and soil retention , pollination of plants , resistance to invasive species , regulating climate and pests as well as pollution control by ecosystems are some of the critical ecosystem services
    其实,沙巴最迷人的度假特色,还是周遭丰富缤纷的海底生态资源,马来西亚7座海洋公园,就有4个位在沙巴沿海区域,包括亚庇西北165海里外的拉央拉央岛layang - layang沙巴东南处的马宝岛mabul和卡巴赖岛kapalai沙巴和汶莱湾岸外以北的纳闽labuan ,以及亚庇海外由5座小岛构成的东姑阿都拉曼国家公园tunku abdul rahman park islands 。
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