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  • Ah , maternal love is a great virtue , a powerful motive - so powerful that it excuses a multitude of things , even if , after duncan s death , lady macbeth had been at all pricked by her conscience .
    啊,母爱是一个大美德,一个强烈的动机,它是如此的强烈,以致于它可以使人做出许多事情来而心中却能坦然无愧,所以在邓肯死后,麦克白斯夫人失去了良心的慰藉,就万分痛苦了。 ”
  • The researchers at the university of toronto and northwestern university call this urge to clean up the macbeth effect , after the scene in shakespeare s tragedy in which lady macbeth moans , out , damned spot ! out , i say ! after bloodying her hands when her husband , at her urging , murders king duncan
    加拿大多伦多大学和美国西北大学的研究人员称这种想洗清罪恶的强烈愿望为“麦克白效应” ,该名字源于莎翁笔下的悲剧里的一个场景,其中麦克白夫人唆使丈夫谋杀了顿肯王,手上沾满鲜血后,呻吟道, “洗掉,该死的污点!
  • The researchers at the university of toronto and northwestern university call this urge to clean up the macbeth effect , after the scene in shakespeare s tragedy in which lady macbeth moans , out , ed spot ! out , i say ! after bloodying her hands when her husband , at her urging , murders king duncan
    加拿大多伦多大学和美国西北大学的研究人员称这种想洗清罪恶的强烈愿望为“麦克白效应” ,该名字源于莎翁笔下的悲剧里的一个场景,其中麦克白夫人唆使丈夫谋杀了顿肯王,手上沾满鲜血后,呻吟道, “洗掉,该死的污点!
  • Shakespeare ' s poetry and shakespeare ' s people ( macbeth , othello , hamlet , falstaff and all the others ) have long delighted not just the english but lovers of literature everywhere , and well continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten
    莎士比亚的诗歌及其笔下的人物(如麦克白、奥赛罗、哈姆雷特、福斯塔夫和所有其他人物) ,长期以来不仅为英国人所喜爱,而且也为世界各地的文学爱好者所喜爱,在那些学者和评论家及其论著统统被遗忘之后,人们照样还会喜爱莎士比亚的作品。
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