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  • In the physical , the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving , the heart beating , the intestinal tract moving , the digestive system moving , the lymph moving and so on
    在身体中,枕骨部位包含着脑干,它管辖着保持血液流动、心脏跳动、肠道蠕动、消化系统运作、淋巴腺运作等等的自主神经系统(植物性神经系统) 。
  • We present a case of multicentric infantile myofibromatosis in a 3 - month - old male infant who had multiple papular lesions on his extremities and trunk and a slowly growing and bulging mass on his left occipital area since birth
  • Measurements for the following anatomical structures were obtained with the aid of a microscope , the distance between mastoid process and transverse process of the atlas , occipital condyle , and superior lateral loop ; the distances between the midline and the v3 at three levels : 1 ) the distal ( dural ) ring ; 2 ) the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 ; and 3 ) the upper level of the transverse foramen of the atlas ; the diameter of v3h at the origin of the muscular artery and at the sites of penetrating the dural ring ; the width of the v3 at the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 and at the sites of penetrating the transverse foramen of the atlas
    V _ 3h和v _ 3v各有两个分支: v _ 3h分出肌动脉支和脑膜后动脉支; v _ 3v分出肌动脉支和根肌动脉支,第一、二脊神经发出的前后支分别与它们又毗邻关系。通过手术显微镜测量下述解剖结构:乳突尖与环椎横突尖、枕髁外侧缘、 v _ 3上外侧袢的距离;椎动脉v _ 3段在穿硬膜环、与第二颈神经前支交叉、环椎横突孔上缘三处与中线的距离; v _ 3h在发出肌支处和穿硬膜天浑医科大学硕士研究主学位论文环处的直径; v3v在与第二颈神经前支交叉处和穿环椎横突孔处的直径。
  • Recently neuroimaging technique was used extensively and found that there is close relationship between brain energy metabolism and psychological process . pet research shows there are increase of regional cerebral blood flow in prefrontal , occipital and parietal cortices during go / no go discrimination tasks in the monkeys . but it is not clear about the neurochemistry mechanism of executive control
    二、恒河猴执行控制功能的脑能量代谢( pet )特点恒河猴执行go / nogo任务时前额叶皮层、运动皮层、扣带皮层、后顶叶皮层等多个脑区均有激活,其中前额叶皮层激活最明显,提示执行控制由多个脑区共同完成,前额叶是执行控制的重要脑区。
  • Features : long head that shares about a third of the total length ; a concave forehead ; flat chin stretching to the front ; the spermaceti case containing high fat content is located in the prolapsed occipital bone . besides making candles and ointments , this fat is good ingredient for making precision instrument lubricants
  • Methods : the anatomic relationship between the cross point ( a ) of the sigmoid and the transverse sinus and the asterion ( s ) , the cross point of the perpendicular and the horizontal ( b ) and point of the fissure of the occipital - mastoid at the fundus of the mastoid ( c ) were determined . then the length of a - s and b - c were measured . results : ( 1 ) the a point was lateral and inferior to the asterion , 10 . 8 + 1 . 1 mm on horizontal plane , 3 . 5 + 0 . 7mm on the longitude plane
    方法:确定横窦和乙状窦的交界内下缘比点)和星点(枕乳缝和人字缝交叉点, s点)的解剖关系;乙状窦垂直部和水平部交汇处内下缘旧点)和枕乳缝乳突基底水平处点)的关系。测量as和b c点的距离。结果: l横窦和乙状窦交点的位于星点外下方,横断面上,平均距离为10
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