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  • Whether through competition , co - operation or both , a plethora of european directives such as the “ railway interoperability directive ” and the “ third railway package ” will encourage the emergence of this new era of international rail travel
    不管是通过竞争,合作抑或是二者兼具,过多的欧洲指令,例如“铁路协同工作指令”和“第三套铁路指令” (参7 ) ,将促使国际铁路旅行的新时代的诞生。
  • Whether through competition , co - operation or both , a plethora of european directives such as the “ railway interoperability directive ” and the “ third railway package ” will encourage the emergence of this new era of international rail travel
    不管是通过竞争,合作抑或是二者兼具,多的过剩的欧洲指令,例如“铁路协同工作指令”和“第三套铁路指令” (参7 ) ,将促使国际铁路旅行的新时代的诞生。
  • There is a plethora of papers in the subject and are so many scientists who work on this problem and derive a lot of edge detection filters and algorithms that are various degrees of success of different image
  • The human ear has the ability to efficiently separate necessary speech signals from a plethora of other auditory signals , even if these signals have similar overall frequency characteristics , and are perfectly coincident in time . computational modeling of this ability is very difficult
    人的耳朵能从熙熙攘攘的声音中有效的捕捉到相对自己重要(感兴趣)的信息,即使是这些声音在频率上和时间上都配合得很“融洽” 。
  • Access down asset of stairs to the natural sand beach and swimming lagoon will open up a plethora of day and nighttime activities from swimming in a recreated tropical reef shelf to sipping drinks by the pool at the pool bar , to lounging , sun baking , sliding , diving or playing
  • Just as the advent of the cell phone triggered a debate about drivers too busy gabbing to pay attention to the road , so too are safety advocates warning that a plethora of gizmos will detract from the basics of safe driving - - hands on the wheel and eyes on the road
  • The community college offers a plethora of programmes , which reflect market demands , such as tourism management , greater china economic affairs , and social work , etc . there are other unique programmes like applied community health studies , visual arts studies , applied gerontology , and chinese media writing
  • Such interdependence , according to the authors , was a function of a plethora of technological , organizational , and institutional changes that over the past century - and - a - half had at once narrowed the function of the farm and transferred a host of functions formerly performed on farms to non - farm sites
  • When a person exercises , she sets in motion a cascade of events that her brain loves . she sends more blood to her brain . with more blood comes more oxygen . exercise also stimulates the release of a plethora of nutrients , hormones , chemical precursors of neurotransmitters , growth factors and cleansing agents that bathe the brain in precisely what it needs to function at its best . "
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