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  • After pretest and training for wll , the research adopts measures such as " a subject per unit " and " a star per week " to use wll into practice of mde based on innovation diffusion theory
    在各种前测与使用培训之后,根据创新推广理论采取多种措施应用wll于现代远程教育实践中,如开展了“每单元一主题” 、 “每周一星”等活动。
  • A pretest - posttest experimental design is planned and performed in this study to realize students ' capabilities of solving problems with internet - based resources and their achievements after attending the program
    研究问卷以实际情境问题,测试学生?用网?资源解决问题的能? ,于教学单元开始前及结束后各施测乙次,并据以分析其学习成效。
  • In the first of four recommendations for clinicians , the joint aafp / acp physicians panel on deep ein thrombosis / pulmonary embolism stressed the use of alidated clinical prediction rules to estimate pretest probability of enous thromboembolism
    在第一次给临床医生的四项推荐中, aafp / acp联合医师小组对深静脉血栓/肺栓塞强调使用有效的临床预测规则来评价静脉血栓栓塞的预发性。
  • The questionnaire b ( scale b , see appendix 2 ) was used to pretest and posttest the network ' s influence to bi . the results of the t - test indicate that bi with english as dominant instructional language outperformed the control group
    2 、在实验2组与对照组之间、实验2组组内进行t检验,表明以汉语作为主要的教学语言,对学生学习动机的激发与维持、自我效能的提高和元认知能力的提升作用不大。
  • In validate build stability " the delivered software version build is tested for stability ; in other words , is it testable enough to commence test execution ? " hence , this step is nothing less than the specification and execution of a pretest according to tmap
    在确认构建稳定性中,已提交的软件版本(构建)被测试稳定性;换句话说,这足以开始进行测试执行吗?因此,按照tmap ,这个步骤不比规格说明和预测试执行内容要少。
  • The purpose of affective teaching in primary is to optimize teaching course , to fulfill teaching aim , and to bring up pupils " interest in english and active attitudes towards english learning , to improve their english learning results , and develop their sound personal characters in primary , and to start a good beginning in english learning . from the angle of the humanism , according to affective theories and present researches on affective language teaching at home and abroad , to counter traits of primary school pupil , primary school english teacher and primary school english curriculums the thesis makes a great deal of theoretical research and realistic investigation on the possibility of carrying out english affective teaching in primary school . the research has been done through a pretest , questionnaires , an interview , and a posttest
    本论文从人本主义的角度出发,根据情感理论和当前国内外情感教学的研究动态,针对小学生、小学英语老师和小学英语教材的特点,对小学英语实施情感教学的可行性作了理论上的研究和现实实验调查,通过前测、问卷调查、个人访谈和后测,利用spss ( 11 . 0 )统计软件对相关数据进行f检验,结果表明:态度、兴趣和移情对小学生英语学习有一定的影响:小学生对英语课的兴趣对他们的英语学习有极其明显的影响;小学生对英语老师的态度对他们的英语学习有十分明显的影响;教学实践当中,学生对老师爱的体验对学生的英语学习有明显的影响。
  • The purpose of the research is developing the adolescent coping with stress scale ( acss ) fit for chinese adolescents based on adolescent coping theory , opened question , previous researches , pretest , expert assessing et al . the dimensions and structure of the acss were examined through exploratory factor analysis ( efa ) & confirmatory factor analysis ( cfa )
  • The methods are ( a ) english as dominant instructional language ( 1stgroup ) ; ( b ) chinese as dominant instructional language ( 2nd group ) , and the control group with chinese as its instructional language . after three - month process , t - test using the questionnaire a ( scale a , see appendix 1 ) was performed . pretest and posttest proceeded with english and biology examination papers were used to analyze the correlation between english achievement and biology achievement
    实验1组使用英语作为主要的教学语言(辅以中文) ,教学内容采用英文网站上的教学资源(不翻译) ;实验2组使用中文作为主要的教学语言(辅以英文) ,教学内容采用英文网站的教学资源(不翻译) ;实验3组(对照组)使用中文作为教学语言,教学内容采用英文网站上的教学资源(下载后予以翻译) 。
  • This research adopts the methods of expert consulting and exoteric investigating questionnaire of students . the author consulted correlated research in and aboard to frame the pretest of undergraduates " learning adaptability , after eliminating some items according to the measurement standard , he got the dimensionalities of undergraduates " learning adaptability using the method of factors analysis and then framed the formal questionnaire
  • Through questionnaire method , the author makes 《 the survey of secondary school teachers " understanding of self - regulated learning in classroom teaching 》 . results from pretest research on 30 teachers from the auther ' s school show , the self - regulated learning questionnaire has high reliability and validity , and can be used to test and invest the present situation of secondary school teachers ' self - regulated learning congnitive in classroom teaching
    本研究主要采用问卷调查的方法,编写制作了《中学教师对课堂自主学习认识情况的调查问卷》 。笔者通过对所在学校随机抽取的30名一线教师进行试测,结果表明,该问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可以用于测评和调查中学教师对课堂自主学习认识的现状。
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