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  • Qt embedded is trolltech s new graphical user interface system for embedded linux
    Qt / embedded是trolltech新开发的用于嵌入式linux的图形用户界面系统。
  • The history of the broomstick , as explained in qt [ / color ] , makes this clear
    飞天扫帚的历史,正如在qt [ / color ]中解说的那样,很清楚地向我们证实了这点。
  • Effects of lipid - lowering therapy on qt dispersion and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with acute myocardial infarction
  • As with python , it is possible to use the qt toolkit from a number of other programming languages
    如同python ,从大量其它编程语言使用qt工具箱是可能的。
  • Qt embedded is based on the original qt , with a lot of fine tuning for the embedded environment
    Qt / embedded以原始qt为基础,并做了许多出色的调整以适用于嵌入式环境。
  • Dcop is a solution for kde , but is tied to qt and so is not used in other desktop environments
    Dcop是一个用于kde的解决方案,但是它依赖于qt ,所以不能用于其他桌面环境之中。
  • Layout managers are a complex subject in any gui system , but qt s implementation makes life simple
  • Latest research indicates that long - qt syndrome ( lqts ) gene ariants contribute to sudden infant death syndrome ( sids )
  • If you use a string or unicode argument in a qt method , it will automatically be converted to a qstring
    如果您在qt方法中使用了字符串或unicode参数,那么它将自动转换成qstring 。
  • Users of your pyqt application will need to manage to install qt and pyqt , which makes distribution difficult
    Pyqt应用程序的用户将需要设法完成安装qt和pyqt ,这使分发变得很困难。
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