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  • While shooting mutiny on the bounty in tahiti , he met the woman who would be his first wife . he also fell in love with tahiti and bought his own island
  • In tahiti , flag raising is held at 8 a . m . and 6 p . m . with an horn accompaniment . if you re in the vicinity of the flag , you should stop , get out from the car , and stand respectfully
    在大溪地,在8 am .及6 pm有号角的演奏与旗帜的升旗,若您在附近,不管在走路或乘车中,您最好停止行进并下车,并尊敬的站著。
  • Lacy breakers lap the coral reef that rings bora - bora , an ancient sunken volcano 165 miles ( 266 kilometers ) northwest of tahiti in french polynesia ' s society islands
    蕾丝花边般的浪花轻拍着环绕在波拉波拉岛四周的珊瑚礁,这里是一座古老的死火山,位于法属波利尼西亚社会群岛中大溪地岛的西北165英里( 266公里) 。
  • He was moti , the youngest son of tati , the chief , and this was tahiti , and beyond that smoking reef lay the sweet land of papara and the chief s grass house by the river s mouth
  • Polynesian culture center is located at the north shore of oahu . it is a center established by the mormons and seven polynesian tribes are presented including samoa , maori , fiji , hawaii , tonga , tahiti and marquises islands
  • Is available on dvd with english subtitles for the first time ! top stars from the korean entertainment scene , beautiful scenery in tahiti and hokkaido , and an engaging love story promise to keep you glued to this enchanting mbc tv mini series
    此外,此剧更让成宥利奠定灰姑娘形象,继韩日播出大热之后,她还被韩国传媒选为歌而优则演的演技no . 1女星。
  • At present , as the only enterprise engaged in deep processing of lemon in china , 50 , 000 mu of high grade lemon cultivation bases of mainly high grade lemon eureka and tahiti , has been developed in dehong prefecture , ruili city of yunnan province , china
  • The gentle pacific ocean trade winds that brought settlers from marquesas , tahiti , samoa and other south pacific islands were the same that eventually led captain james cook to make his first landing in hawaii on the shores of waimea , kauai in 1778
  • It is a center established by the mormons and seven polynesian tribes are presented including samoa , maori , fiji , hawaii , tonga , tahiti and marquises islands . the tribes architecture , crafts , dances and customs will be presented . after dinner , a large - scale show featuring dances of different tribes will be performed
    游客可搭乘独木舟游览萨摩亚毛利斐济夏威夷东加大溪地瑟基瑟七个村落,参观各族的艺术舞蹈工艺品及生活习俗,并可观赏有震撼效果的超大立体萤幕imax 。
  • The visions of tahiti - clean , sweet tahiti - were coming to him more frequently . and there were the low paumotus , and the high marquesas ; he saw himself often , now , on board trading schooners or frail little cutters , slipping out at dawn through the reef at papeete and beginning the long beat through the pearl - atolls to nukahiva and the bay of taiohae , where tamari , he knew , would kill a pig in honor of his coming , and where tamari s flower - garlanded daughters would seize his hands and with song and laughter garland him with flowers
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