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  • Scolopendra multilan is a common species belonging to scolopendromorpha , chilopoda . the sequence of scolopendra multilan mtdna determined is 11700 bp in length , about 70 % of the complete sequence . the sequenced portion contains 2 rrna genes , 1 a + t - rich region , 8 protein - coding genes and 18 trna genes
    本文对少棘蜈蚣的线粒体基因组进行了研究,已经测定的序列长11700bp ,约为全长序列的70 ,包含了2个rrna基因、 1个at富含区、 8个蛋白基因、 18个trna基因。
  • Rna polymerase i synthesizes the three largest rrnas . rna polymerase ii mainly produces mrna encoding proteins and most of sn rnas , and rna polymerase iii makes 5s rrna and trna , as well as a few small nuclear rnas . the transcription sites of the polymerases have been studied since early 1980s
    真核生物细胞核中有三种rna聚合酶,即rna聚合酶、和,它们分别转录产生不同的rna ,其中rna聚合酶( pol )转录合成45srrna前体;聚合酶( pol )转录合成mrna前体及大多数snrna ;聚合酶( pol )转录合成5srrna 、 trna和一些小分子rna 。
  • Robustness of our results was confirmed by high bootstrap support of all nodes in the trees . this result contradicts the batrachia hypothesis ( a salamander + frog grouping ) , and is consistent with bolt ' s hypothesis ( 1991 ) basing on the morphological data . the result was also supported by previous molecular studies based on mitochondrial and nuclear rrna data
    这个结果与蛙类假说是相矛盾的,与bolt ( 1991 )中国泽蛙线粒体基因组结构及种群系统地理学研究在形态学基础上提出的绒蝶类和蚓螺类为姐妹群关系的假说相一致,并得到建立在线粒体和核trna基因数据基础上的许多分子研究的支持。
  • The partial sequences of the mitochondrial co i , co ii and trna gene of the adults and larvae of 4 species from lepidostomatidae and the adults and larvae of apsilochorema unculatum and a . hwangi were sequenced and compared in this study . in the sequences obtained ( 1718 ~ 2239bp ) , a % + t % was about 69 . 2 % , 267 nucleotide sites were substituted in apsilochorema and 266 nucleotide sites were substituted in lepidostomatidae . at bias in the third codon position site was much higher than the other two sites , reaching about 81 . 9 %
    {的比对分析表明:在coi区的一45一个比对位点中,有1260个保守位点, 191个变异位点,其中98个转换位点, 93个颠换位点;发生在密码子第三、第一和第二位点的变异分别为78 % 、 18 %和4 % ;种内序列歧异度为o一0 . 9 % ,而种间为一4 %一24 % 。
  • The morphological diagnostic characters for many mature and early instar larvae are still lacking in china . partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase i and ii and a transfor rna ( co i co ii and trna ) gene of the adults and larvae from caddisflies were . lepidostomaflavum , l . fui , l . arcuatum , paraphlegopteryx morsei , apsilochorema unculatum and apsilochorema hwangi , and the larval and adult stages of these species were sequenced and associated
    采用dnastarpackage中的editseq软件进行序列编辑、 orf查找;采用clustalx软件进行序列比对( alignment ) ;比对结果输入mega2 . 1软件计算各样品间的遗传距离,并基于kjmura2 - parameter模型,用邻接法( neighbor - jojning , nj )构建系统发生树,通过自展( bootstrap1000次)检验获得系统树分支的置信度。
  • The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of f . limnocharis was detailedly compared with those of 5 other amphibians . the nucleotide sequences of 22 trna encoded by 6 amphibians mitochondrial genomes were combined and aligned to the homologous sequences of the 11 veterbrate taxa . using teleosts as outgroup , the phylogenetic analyses results show that mp , nj and ml trees all strongly support the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living tetrapods and favor a sister group relationship for caecilians and salamanders
    我们在测定了泽蛙线粒体全基因组序列的基础上,与已知其它的5种两栖类进行详细的比较分析,同时选择了11种高等脊椎动物的线粒体全基因序列,以硬骨鱼类做外群,用22个trna基因合并数据进行系统发生重建分析,结果表明mp 、 nj和ml树都强力地支持现生两栖类动物为单系群并且蝾螈类和蚓螈类为姐妹群关系(自引导值分别为92 、 99 、 100 ) 。
  • Pit13 , an interactor binding to trpt1 protein , was screened by yeast two - hybrid , and confirmed by pull down and co - ip assays . the association of trpt1 with pit 13 demonstrated that trpt1 should probably participate in other activities besides in pre - trna splicing . more experiments will be required to determine the role of pit 13 protein
    0酵母以杂交筛选、加卫工加wn检测及ip实验均证明m卜1 ”且与功能未知的pit13蛋; ”之间存在着相互作用,说明imj基因除了参与trna剪接之外,还可能具有其它方面的功能,有待进一步研究。
  • In our laboratory , a unique mutation detection system using a shuttle vector plasmid has been established to demonstrate that a low concentration of mnng ( 0 . 2 m ) can induce nontargeted mutation in mammalian cells : the mammalian cells were exposed to 0 . 2m mnng for 2 . 5h , then a shuttle plasmid pz189 carrying supf trna gene was transfected into cells after 24h culture . we found a 5 - fold higher mutation frequency of the plasmid replicated in pretreated cells than the spontaneous mutation frequency of the plasmid replicated in control cells . this kind of mutation did not occur immediately after mnng exposure
    我们实验室曾用一特殊的突变检测系统,直接证明dna损伤剂可在哺乳动物细胞诱发非定标性突变:首先用低浓度( 0 . 2 m )的短寿烷化剂mnng (半寿期为1 . 1hr )处理细胞2 . 5h后,继续培养24h ,将重组有用作突变检测的靶基因supftrna基因的穿梭质粒pz189转入细胞复制,发现在未受致癌物直接攻击的穿梭质粒中有较自发突变率高5倍以上的靶基因突变。
  • Hisityl - trna synthetase catalyzes the aminoacylation of trnahis in the initial step of protein biosynthesis . the involumen of histidyl - trna synthetase in autoimmune diseases is another feature of the enzyme . in studies , it is reported that purified jo - 1 antigen can increase the detection rate of anti - jo - 1 antibody . but it is difficult to obtain a single component by biochemical extraction . genetic engineering can help us to desolve this problem . after looking up mrna sequence encoding histidyl - trna synthetase in genebank , we used rt - pcr technology to gain its full length dna sequence . the vestor ptybllwas used in the construction of expressing vestor . we transformed the jo - 1 gene into er2566 and used this system to express fusion jo - 1 antigen
    本实验从人胎盘中提取总rna ,利用rt - pcr技术获得了编码jo - 1的基因整长序列,选用impact - cn系统中的ptyb11载体,构建了jo - 1基因的克隆与表达载体,并转化大肠杆菌er2566 ,经过抗性筛选、分子量大小比较、双酶切鉴定、和pcr鉴定等多种方法验证,筛选出了5个阳性克隆。
  • Rna polymerase synthesizes the three largest rrnas , 5 . 8s , 18s and 28s rrna . rna polymerase mainly produces mrna encoding proteins , and rna polymerase makes 5s rrna and trnas , as well as a few small nuclear rnas . the transcription sites of the polymerases have been studied since early 1980s
    在细胞中它们的功能各不相同: rna聚合酶负责催化合成5 . 8s 、 18s和28srrna , rna聚合酶主要负责mrna的转录合成,而rna聚合酶则负责催化5srrna 、 trna 、多数的snrna以及某些病毒基因(如va基因)等的转录。
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