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  • The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary
  • The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary
    美国与加拿大接壤的边界从大西洋至太平洋长达6 , 400公里,被描述为世界上最长的无设防的国界。
  • The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary
  • The u . s . ( border ) boarder with canada , ( 6 , 400 ) 60 , 000 kilometers from ( the ) atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been decribed as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary
  • Around 1 : 30pm , the crowd surged into the undefended outer courtyard . about this time gunfire began , though which side actually fired first will never be conclusively decided
    下午1 : 30分左右,人群涌入到没有设防的外院。大约就在这时,开始交火,不过,对于到底是哪方先行开火是永远都不会有定论了。
  • But too many americans would be left undefended or underdefended , and too many militias and insurance companies would devote so much money and manpower to cost - shifting battles that they would lack sufficient funds to extend coverage or maintain existing coverage at an affordable level
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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