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  • All of these computations will contribute directly to forefront research projects in cosmology the wandelt group in the physics and astronomy departments of the university of illinois at urbana - champaign
  • And , in research just published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences , chang liu , of the university of illinois at urbana - champaign , and his colleagues describe the first attempts to do so
  • The successful synthesis of an antibiotic in a non - native host has provided a team of researchers at the university of illinois at urbana - champaign with the potential for developing new treatments for bacterial infections
  • One of the board members , professor benjamin w . wah , franklin w . woeltge endowed professor , department of electrical and computer engineering , university of illinois , urbana - champaign , usa attended and addressed the ceremony this morning
    成员之一,伊利诺大学香槟分校电机及计算机工程学系franklinw . woeltgeendowedprofessor华云生教授并亲临出席成立典礼。
  • Professor han , professor in computer science , university of illinois at urbana - champaign , will elaborate on the latest research findings in the field . he will also illustrate a few promising research topics for mining the massive rfid data
    Warehousing and mining massive rfid data sets为题,介绍最新的研究成果和应用前景他更会指出可兹进一步研究探索的多个方向。
  • The shao lee soo professor of mechanical engineering at the university of illinois , urbana - champaign uiuc , usa , and his colleagues have produced a stretchable form of silicon that consists of sub - micrometer single crystal elements
    美国伊利诺依大学urbana - champaign分校uiuc机械工程学系教授黄永刚prof . yonggang huang和他研究伙伴制造出一种能够拉伸的硅,它包含一个亚微米单晶体元件。
  • The road selected was a continuation of the via sistina ; then by cutting off the right angle of the street in which stands santa maria maggiore and proceeding by the via urbana and san pietro in vincoli , the travellers would find themselves directly opposite the colosseum
  • He was a visiting professor in the department of computer science and engineering at the university of minnesota , minneapolis , u . s . a . he was also a guest professor at university of dortmund , germany , and a visiting senior computer system engineer in the center for supercomputing research and development at the university of illinois at urbana - champaign
  • She holds a bs from the university of illinois , urbana - champaign , and a ms degree from stanford university , both in computer science . she has written an ibm redbook on veritas foundation suite software on aix and several whitepapers including a solaris to aix migration whitepaper and an article on using the gnu c c compiler on aix . you can reach anita at
    她撰写了一本关于aix上的veritas foundation suite软件的ibm红皮书;还撰写了若干本白皮书,有一本的内容是从solaris到aix的迁移,还撰写了一篇有关如何在aix上使用gnu c / c + +编译器的文章。
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