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  • Apply this simple yardstick i use everyday : as long as you are green , you are growing ; as soon as you are ripe , you start to rot
  • The traffic developing level is an important yardstick of modern country and represents general economy strength in the country
  • Defining the standard adopted to the small and medium - sized commercial bank of this text is zheng ' s measurement yardstick that he puts forward
  • You can use the measures described in this booklet as a yardstick to assess the quality of care provided to you and your family members
  • Rudyard kipling , a sagacious british writer , once commented : “ nothing is more fallacious than to judge the east by the yardsticks of the west
    具有深邃洞察力的英国作家吉卜林曾说过: “没有比用西方的准则来评定东方更荒谬的事了。 ”
  • While tco is a popular yardstick in the corporate world , it ' s also a value means of measuring value for small business or personal use
    在大型企业中, tco是一种广泛采用的衡量标准,对于小型企业和个人用户它也不失为一种有效的衡量手段。
  • She stood , rather unsteadily and looked on horrified as he walked to the cupboard , returning with a yardstick that he placed to one side of his desk
  • Education and cultural aspects are the commonly used yardsticks to measure whether a city has attained a world - class city status , but this is not covered in the study
  • " tv programme appreciation index survey " was launched . the survey , conducted by an independent body , became another industry yardstick apart from viewership ratings
  • In recent year , astronomers found a new celestial yardstick , which allows us to measure more precisely the distances of celestial bodies billions of light - years away
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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