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  • Don ' t drink everyday - plan two to three alcohol - free days each week and let the body rest
  • People who consume alcohol earn significantly more at theirjobsthan non drinkers , according to a us study that highlighted gained from drinking
  • At the end of that time , the light drinkers had a twenty - one percent lower chance of dying from a heart attack than those who never drank at all
    最后结果表明,轻度饮酒者死于心脏病的几率比那些完全不饮酒的人低21 % 。
  • Discus members encourage responsible decision - making regarding drinking , or not drinking , by adults , and discourage abusive consumption of their products
  • Heavy drinkers , who numbered 165 - mostly men - were 1 1 / 2times more likely to get vascular dementia and slightly more likely than nondrinkers of ending up with alzheimer ' s
    165位过度饮酒者中大多数为男性,他们患血管性痴呆病的可能性要高出1 . 5倍,而最终患阿尔茨海默氏病的可能性比不饮酒者稍高。
  • The researchers found men ' s long - term consumption of up to two glasses of alcohol a day was associated with about a one - third lower oerall mortality risk and risk of cardioascular death compared to men who drank no alcohol
    研究人员发现,长期每天饮用2杯酒的男性与不饮酒者相比,其总体死亡率风险和心血管疾病死亡风险低约1 / 3 。
  • Those who weren ' t daily drinkers but had more than one drink per week had a 25 percent lower risk and those who drank less than a glass a week were 18 percent less likely than nondrinkers to develop dementia
    就痴呆症的发病率而言,与不饮酒者相比,每周饮酒一杯以上而不是每天饮酒者,发病率要低25 % ,而每周饮酒不到一杯的受试者,发病率要低18 % 。
  • The study published in the journal of labor research lastthursdayconcluded that drinkers earn 10 to 14 percent more thanteetotalers , and that men who drink socially bring home anadditional sevenpercent in pay . social drinking builds social capital ,
    上周四,劳动研究发表了这项研究结果,饮酒的人要比不饮酒的人多挣10 14 ,经常在外喝酒的人能比不常喝酒的要多挣7 。
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