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  • How are you finding revisiting the medieval era with the new total war game ? what are you working on at the moment
  • The medieval period saw the growth of new devotional religious movements centred on hymnodists who taught in the popular languages of the time
  • He prepares the knights equipment and , just as with knights in the middle ages , is equally crucial to their success . expensive equipment
    他为骑士准备装备和兵器- -和中世纪时期骑士的侍从差不多,对小组获胜起着同样重要的作用。
  • The middle ages saw a boost in the activity of trading as the merchants and producers began specializing in making and selling goods and shops appeared in growing number
  • Manichaeism disappeared in the west in about the 6th century , although its doctrines reappeared in the teachings of the bogomils , albigenses , and other sects during the middle ages
  • These unseen bugs can be friends such as the bifidobacteria that we find in yoghurt or they can be our deadly foes such as yersinia pestis , the bacterium that caused the black death that decimated europe in the middle ages
  • Later , during the middle ages , it was commonly believed in france and england that february 14 was the beginning of birds ' mating season , which added to the idea that the middle of february - - valentine ' s day - - should be a day for romance
    后来,在中世纪时期,人们一般认为在法国和英国二月十四日是鸟儿们开始交配的季节的开始,这也加强了二月中旬- -圣瓦伦丁节- - - - -应该是一个浪漫的日子的想法
  • Arguments and evidence cited against a miraculous origin of the shroud images include a letter from a medieval bishop to the avignon pope claiming personal knowledge that the image was cleverly painted to gain money from pilgrims ; radiocarbon tests in 1988 that yielded a medieval timeframe for the cloth ' s fabrication ; and analysis of the image by microscopist walter mccrone , who concluded ordinary pigments were used
    争论和证据却与裹尸布的神奇起源相反,包括一封中世纪的主教写给教宗阿维尼翁的信,声称肖像是有人运用容貌知识聪明地印上去,为了从朝圣者身上获得金钱; 1988年,碳的放射性同位元素测试得出这是一块中世纪时期制造的伪造物;分析肖像的显射镜技术人员沃尔特指出,这只是使用了一种平常的颜料。
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