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  • Mr lockwood , he added , you may go into my room : you ll only be in the way , coming downstairs so early ; and your childish outcry has sent sleep to the devil for me
    “洛克乌德先生, ”他又说, “你可以到我屋里去。你这么早下楼也妨碍别人,你这孩子气的大叫已经把我的睡魔赶掉了。 ”
  • You did not when you saw him , mr lockwood : and at the period of which i speak he was just the same as then ; only fonder of continued solitude , and perhaps still more laconic in company
  • I m glad to see you out of doors again , mr lockwood , he said , in reply to my greeting ; from selfish motives partly : i don t think i could readily supply your loss in this desolation
    “我很高兴看见你又出门了,洛克乌德先生, ”他说,回答我的招呼。 “一部分是出于自私的动机:我不以为我能弥补你在这荒凉地方的损失。
  • I do myself the honour of calling as soon as possible after my arrival , to express the hope that i have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of thrushcross grange : i heard yesterday you had had some thoughts -
    “先生,我是洛克乌德,您的新房客。我一到这儿就尽可能马上来向您表示敬意,希望我坚持要租画眉田庄没什么使您不方便。昨天我听说您想” 。
  • When he saw my horse s breast fairly pushing the barrier , he did put out his hand to unchain it , and then sullenly preceded me up the causeway , calling , as we entered the court : joseph , take mr lockwood s horse ; and bring up some wine
    他看见我的马的胸部简直要碰上栅栏了,竟也伸手解开了门链,然后阴郁地领我走上石路,在我们到了院子里的时候,就叫着: “约瑟夫,把洛克乌德先生的马牵走。拿点酒来。 ”
  • I certainly esteem myself a steady , reasonable kind of body , she said ; not exactly from living among the hills and seeing one set of faces , and one series of actions , from year s end to year s end ; but i have undergone sharp discipline , which has taught me wisdom ; and then , i have read more than you would fancy , mr lockwood
    “我的确认为我自己是属于一种沉着清醒的人, ”她说, “这倒不一定是由于一年到头住在山里,老是看见那几张面孔和老套的动作,而是我受过严格的训练,这个给了我智慧而且我读过的书比你想象的还多些,洛克乌德先生。
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