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  • It came from the story in the 5th century b . c . that a herald named phidippides ran the 26 miles from marathon to athens to announce the greek victory and died on the spot
  • The state benefited from the land and house sales , since the land scribes took money and foods from the land buyers , and the house surveyors and street heralds took the same from the house buyers
  • But they didn t know where the deer lived . so the king ordered a richly decorated elephant and told the herald , " take the elephant and a thousand pieces of money and go to all parts of the city
  • The party consisted of an officer of the suite , bagrations private adjutant , zherkov , an orderly officer , the staff - officer on duty , riding a beautiful horse of english breed , and a civilian official , the auditor , who had asked to be present from curiosity to see the battle
  • Its no use your going to the commander - in - chief ; he will say a lot of polite things to you , will ask you to dine with him that wouldnt come amiss in the service of that unwritten code , thought boris , but nothing more would come of it ; we shall soon have a complete battalion of adjutants and orderly officers
    “您用不着到总司令那里去了, ”安德烈公爵说道, “他会对您说出一大堆客套话来,要您到他那里去吃午饭就遵照那种等级服从制度供职而论,这算是不错的,鲍里斯想了想,可是到头来这不会有什么进展,我们这些人,副官和传令武官快要凑成一个营了。
  • From the battlefield adjutants were continually galloping up to napoleon with reports from his marshals of the progress of the action . but all those reports were deceptive ; both because in the heat of battle it is impossible to say what is happening at any given moment , and because many of the adjutants never reached the actual battlefield , but simply repeated what they heard from others , and also because , while the adjutant was galloping the two or three versts to napoleon , circumstances had changed , and the news he brought had already become untrue
  • After zherkov had been dismissed from the staff of the commander - in - chief , he had not remained in the regiment , saying that he was not such a fool as to go to hard labour at the front when he could get more pay for doing nothing on the staff , and he had succeeded in getting appointed an orderly on the staff of prince bagration
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