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  • It evolves into a semi - detached binary after about 2 . 7 myr , and its secondary fills its roche robe after 34 . 5 myr , and then evolves into a contact binary . contact phase is characterized by energy transfer between the components through a common envelope
    初始模型是一个主星十分接近其内临界等位面的分离双星,大约演化2 . 7 10 ~ 6年成为半接双星,经过3 . 45 10 ~ 7年次星开始充满洛希瓣,而演化成相接双星。
  • The tiny scrap of colored cardboard , barely 2 1 / 2 inches tall and not quite 2 inches wide , made an auspicious arrival at a dodger stadium news conference , carried to the podium in a formidable - looking black valise by a grim - faced , equally formidable - looking armed guard
    这张高2又1 / 2英寸、宽不到2英寸的小小硬纸卡片以最隆重的方式进入道奇棒球场的记者会场:放在一位面露凶光、看来挺吓人的武装警卫所拿的可怕的黑色公事包,将(卡片)送到讲台。
  • The result shows that the trench wall failure at shallow depth is the major failure mode of the slurry - supported excavation , and that the length of the excavated trenches and the difference between the slurry head and the water level are the key parameters controlling the stability of the slurry - supported excavation
  • Next , in order to comprehand the electromagnetic characteristics and the dynamic characteristics of the new type of magnetic micromotors , the dissertation applied the concept of the magnetic scarlar potential of the irrotational magnetic fields and set up the mathmatic model for the inner magnetic field of the new type of motors from the basic equations and the boundary conditions of the motor magnetic field . oh the basis of the mathmatic model , the dissertation analized the various qualities of the magnetic field of the air gap between the rotor and the stator and gave a detailed calculation of the air gap ' s magnetic potential , magnetic field intensity , magnetic induction , the shape of the magnetic scarlar potential level surface , the distribution of the magnetic circuit , the magnetic induction the self - inductance and the mutual inductance of the coils
  • Motion compensated prediction error image has significant amplitudes mainly along the boundaries of moving objects , correspondingly its wavelet coefficients contain large energy in high frequency bands . this greatly reduces the coding efficiency of ezw . it is first provided that the correspondence between the significant amplitudes area of the mcp error image and the wavelet coefficient significant map , then encode the significant map efficiently using quadtree approach , followed by bit - plane coding the significant coefficients to produce an embedded data stream . experiment result shows that compared to ezw and zte , the proposed algorithm is more efficient and has better performance
    算法对于运动补偿余量误差帧首先进行小波变换,并选取适当的阈值,用重要图表示大于该阈值的重要系数。根据残差帧小波系数的统计特性,用四叉树方法编码重要图,并对重要系数作位面编码,生成嵌入式码流。实验表明,与ezw , zte等算法相比较,该算法编码效率高,复现图像质量好。
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