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  • The plantlets grew much better in terms of root development ; the root activities , photosynthesis , regulating stoma and transpiration of them were significantly enhanced
  • When the concentration is low ( < 50 mm ) , nitrate only influences lr development , and has no effect on primary root . but at higher concentration , nitrate obviously inhibits primary root elongation
    在浓度相对较低的条件下( 50mm )硝酸根只影响侧根生长,而对主根没有明显影响;随着浓度的提高,硝酸根对主根的延伸也起到了明显的抑制作用。
  • The results indicated that the plant growth regulator could increase plant height , main root length , lateral root number , root / shoot ratio , chlorophyll content , proline content and the activity of peroxydase ( pod ) , and improve the ability of drought - resistance of soybean seedlings
    结果表明,植物生长调节剂可促进大豆幼苗茎叶生长和主根伸长,增加侧根数,加大根冠比,提高叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量和过氧化物酶( pod )活性,从而增强了植株的抗旱能力。
  • We have observed the following characteristics of anatomical structure and development : ( 1 ) the primary roots belong to archetype and the lateral roots occur in the position toward the xylem of the vascular cylinder ; ( 2 ) the root endodermis consists of thicken casparian strips , and there are from two lo four layers parenchyma cells near the pericycle ; ( 3 ) the pith and resins canals are absent in the toots ; ( 4 ) secondary structure occurs in the root hair zone , and vascular cambium is formed from the parenchyma cells between the primary xylem and primary phloem ; ( 5 ) tanning materials are abundant in pericycle cells and phelloderm cells ; ( 6 ) sclereids are found in secondary phloem , and rays are rather rich in secondary xylem
    结果表明:气生不定根具有以下结构特征和发育特点: ( 1 )根为二原型,侧根正对着木质部发生; ( 2 )幼根内皮层细胞具凯氏带加厚,维管柱内紧挨中柱鞘内侧具有2 ~ 4层大型薄壁细胞; ( 2 )根中无髓和树脂道; ( 4 )次生结构发生于根毛区,维管形成层由初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞转化形成; ( 5 )中柱鞘和栓内层细胞富含单宁类物质; ( 6 )次生韧皮部有石细胞,次生木质部射线发达。
  • Their flowers and fruits were removed in this experiment to enhance them to take branch roots on the stems , and then the branch roots were used as materials . five mitosis metaphase cells , with their chromosomes well scattered , were counted . chromosome number of hup is 2x = 24 , and its karyotype formula is 2n = 2x = 24 = 8m + 12sm + 4st , being to " 3b " of stebbins
    本实验采取去其花、果实,促其茎节上长侧根的办法,以其侧根为实验材料,统计了5个分散较好的有丝分裂中期细胞,其染色体数目为2x = 24 ,核型公式为2n = 2x = 24 = 8m + 12sm + 4st ,核型类型为3b型。
  • The sowing and seedling raising experiments of castanopsis hystrix seed with different artificial treatments showed 1 - year - old c . hystrix seedling average height and average dbh with the treatments of hastening germination and cutting root were 22 . 0 % and 117 . 0 % higher than those without the root cutting treatment , respectively , the individual - tree lateral root number increased by 127 . 71 % , the afforested survival rate increased by 23 . 0 %
    摘要对红锥种子采用不同人工处理的播种育苗试验表明:红锥种子经催芽断根育苗处理后,其1年生苗木平均高和平均地径分别比无断根处理的高22 . 0 %和117 . 0 %单株侧根数增加127 . 71 % ,造林成活率提高23 . 0 % 。
  • Lateral root development and gravitropism are regulated by polar auxin transport ( pat ) , and auxin efflux inhibitors ( aei ) inhibit lr growth and tropism . because of > the structural similarity to pat inhibitor npa , flavonoid has long been regarded as endogenous polar auxin transport inhibitor
    生长素极性运输( polarauxintransport , pat )对侧根发生和根尖向地性起着重要的调节作用,添加外源生长素极性运输抑制剂不仅抑制了侧根发生,同时还使根尖丧失了向地性。
  • We tested the dreb1c ' s effect on salt tolerance . the result showed that overexpression of dreb1c could improve salt tolerance in arabidopsis . the transgenic plants could develop well in 100 mm nacl and 150 mm nacl whereas control plants grew slowly and was seriously retarded ; in 0 mm nacl , transgenic plant roots are stronger than wild type .
  • The result of counting lr primordium indicates that quercetin does not influence primordium formation , but inhibits its elongation . this is essentially different to npa , which inhibits both primordium formation and elongation . also , quercetin increases hypocotyls length , which is linked toward elevated auxin transport level
    原基统计结果表明, q对侧根原基发生的影响和npa有着根本的不同: q不影响侧根原基的发生,而只影响原基的延伸,使侧根发生比正常延迟一步。
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