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  • When zeilinger discovered the 800 - kg ( 1 , 764 - pound ) cow was too sick to stand up for milking , he used a winch to suspend her in the air
    当齐林格发现这头800公斤( 1764磅)重的乳牛病情严重,无法站立接受挤奶时,他便用一具绞盘机把?吊到空中。
  • While the ladies held their fans one degree higher . lucy in her stage box laughed so obstreperously that caroline hequet silenced her with a tap of her fan
  • An hour or two sufficed to sketch my own portrait in crayons ; and in less than a fortnight i had completed an ivory miniature of an imaginary blanche ingram
  • She repeated , exerting her utmost efforts to cause the iron muscles to relax ; and finding that her nails made no impression , she applied her teeth pretty sharply
  • Because tax rates vary from region to region , it would be impossible to put a single tax rate in a column ; instead , the value is calculated using the
  • They moved by short stages , their knapsacks were carried in the transport waggons , and at every halt the austrian government provided the officers with excellent dinners
  • Because it was hera who had led the conspiracy against him , zeus hung her up from the sky with a gold bracelet about either wrist and an anvil fastened to either ankle
  • Wait a minute ! shouted dolohov , striking the bottle on the window to call attention . wait a minute , kuragin ; listen : if any one does the same thing , ill pay him a hundred imperials
    多洛霍夫为了要大家注意他,便用酒瓶敲打着窗户,大声喊道, “库拉金,等一会,听我说吧。
  • Come , come , don t be childish . " and when she still refused to make her appearance - for she was startled as yet , though she had begun to laugh - he added in peevish , paternal tones
  • The only flaw was that the show started little late . there was an opening reception followed by the screening . many people stayed for it and most of the guests also showed up
    举个例子,如早几年oliverstone的《 naturalbornkiller 》便用过影像感强烈的蒙太奇处理不少场面。
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