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  • And later on , at a propitious opportunity he purposed bloom did , without anyway prying into his private affairs on the fools step in where angels principle advising him to sever his connection with a certain budding practitioner , who , he noticed , was prone to disparage , and even , to a slight extent , with some hilarious pretext , when not present , deprecate him , or whatever you like to call it , which , in bloom s humble opinion , threw a nasty sidelight on that side of a person s character - no pun intended
    就在这当儿,马过了一会儿,他即布卢姆在适当时机,本着“傻子迈进天使之处” 311的原则,在完全不去追问斯蒂芬私事的情况下劝他跟某某即将开业的医生断绝往来。他留意到,此人倾向于瞧不起斯蒂芬。当斯蒂芬本人不在场时,甚至借着开玩笑来贬低他几句,或者随便怎么说吧,反正据布卢姆的拙见,就是在一个人的品格的某个侧面上投下讨厌的阴影这里他要讲的绝不是什么双关的俏皮话。
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