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  • Ever since the law of copernicus was discovered and proved , the mere recognition that not the sun , but the earth moves , has destroyed the whole cosmography of the ancients
  • This paper studies the perturbation action of celestial bodies movement on the earth from the view of cosmology , and furtherly analyizes the effect of celestial bodies movement on the slope stability on earth surface
  • Catholic education should be committed to providing students with a healthy and correct outlook on life , ecology and the universe , especially by introducing to them the spirit of the gospel and the good elements of chinese culture
  • In 1905 , einstein ' s " miracle year " , he formulated his theory of relativity , an explanation of the relationship between time and space that challenged a view of the universe that had stood since the days of sir isaac newton 200 years before
    1905年是爱因斯坦的“奇迹年” ,他创立了阐释时空关系的相对论,挑战了物理学巨人艾萨克?牛顿始创的宇宙观,那些理论200年来一直固若磐石。
  • If , however , we assume that b and c have also had practical difficulties in keeping their various project going , or ( less likely ) that they inspired by a ' s vision of the cosmos , there is a good chance that he will be able to put his scheme over
  • Yijing ' s cosmology with the concepts of alternation between yin and yang and primitive thinking mode serve as the theoretical foundation for the yin - yang & five - element school , of which the generation pattern and procedure originate from this kind of cosmology
  • The world heritage committee came to the conclusion that the temple of heaven is a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrates a cosmogony of great importance for the evolution of one of the world ' s great civilizations
    同时,世界遗产委员会高度概括了天坛作为文化遗产的标准: “一、天坛是建筑和景观设计之杰作,朴素而鲜明地体现出对世界伟大文明之一的发展产生过深刻影响的一种极其重要的宇宙观
  • Thousands of people participated in the event , half of whom were relatives and friends of initiates . those who saw master s art creations for the first time were amazed at how an enlightened spiritual practitioner has been able to present vividly her view of universal oneness in real life
  • His profound impact on countless authors , artists and social thinkers stems from the spiritual insights and universal themes expressed in his works , which resonate with the message of all the great masters of east and west throughout the ages , including our own supreme master ching hai
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