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  • The width of raindrop size distribution in the warm area was narrow and its shape was single model . simulating results of one - dimension stratus model showed that the content of cloud water that grew up by deposition process was the largest in the warm area , and cloud water existed between 2km and 6km . in the warm area , the formation of rain water which existed between 1km and 4km was behind of the formation of cloud water , and the development of rainwater was depend on collecting cloud water
    一维层状云模式模拟结果表明,暖区以凝华增长的云水为主,云水分布在2 6km高度;雨水在云水形成后产生,分布在1 4km之间,主要通过碰并云水增长;霰在雨水形成后产生,主要通过碰并云水增长,分布在云水区的中下层,霰形成后,雨水主要由霰融化产生。
  • This work aims at studying multi - scale structures of large - scale stratiform precipitating clouds typical of henan province of central - eastern china in spring and autumn drought periods of china , the potentials and techniques of artificial rain increase . through analysis of historical weather / climate and cloud physical data , developed are a number of multi - scale observational schemes including intensive observational items , and space / time resolutions of data for integrative field observations to obtain real - time measurements of the structures at large - , medium - , small - and micro - scale . from analysis of observed separate items , their integrative treatment and numerical simulation we place focus on case studies and their integration in investigating such structures of stratiform precipitating clouds over the target region , rainfall physical mechanisms and exploitation of artificial rainfall increase potentials , whereupon a conceptual model is constructed and a range of catalysis schemes are proposed to improve smaller - scale forecasting accracy and techniques for the rainfall increase , with the dominant results given below
    以地处中原、具有典型代表意义的河南层状降水云系为主要研究对象,在对该地历史天气气候和云物理等资料分析的基础上,研究设计云系多尺度观测方案(包括加密观测项目、观测时空分辨率) ,实施有设计的外场综合观测,获取云系结构多尺度(大、中、小、微)配套的实时观测资料;通过对各种观测资料的分项和综合处理分析,以典型个例观测和数值模拟分析研究为重点,综合多个例分析,研究河南层状降水云系多尺度宏微观结构特征、降水物理机制和人工增雨潜力条件,建立典型层状云系人工增雨概念模型,研究科学的人工增雨作业技术系统。
  • The macro characteristics of status cloud systems have been studied by using every 3 - hour sounding data , satellite cloud pictures , radar echoes , synoptic charts , surface rainfall , raindrop size distribution and microwave radiometer . the spatial distribution of precipitation particles and the mechanisms of their formation were studied by one - dimension stratus model . thus , spring stratus precipitation conceptual model was primarily established in henan province
  • And such zones act as an important dynamic condition for low - level water transfer and also a favorable environmental condition for " seeding - water supply " . there stronger echoes are detected , meaning that bubble convection develops in the precipitating fields of the clouds that are homogeneous in the main , causing centers of > 10 mm / hr surface rainfall to occur and migrate
    这些不稳定区是低层水汽输送摘要重要的动力条件,也是“播撒一供应”机制发生的有利的湿热力环境条件,云系较强降水回波在这里得到发展,使整体均匀的冷锋层状云系降水场有较强回波带和对流泡发展,带来地面有> 10mmlh较强降雨中心产生和移动。
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