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  • The day after 911 , danny and i flew to pakistan . he was the south asia bureau chief for the wall street journal and i was working for french public radio
  • The day after 911 , danny and i flew to pakistan . he was the south asia bureau chief for the wall street journal and i was working for french public radio
  • " the principle way we get new entries is to have readers look around the world for things that seem new or significant , " says john simpson , chief editor of the oed
    牛津英文词典总编约翰-辛普森说: "我们收集新词的原则是让我们的读者关注世界上任何新的有意义的事物。
  • " look ! " he said suddenly as if he ' d decided to cut short the cat - and - mouse game . " from tomorrow morning i ' m managing director and editor - in - chief of this publishing outfit .
    “注意! ”他突然说,似乎已决定要缩短戏弄我们的时间。 “从明天早上开始,我便是这个出版单位的社长兼总编。 ”
  • The magazine recognized putin ' s " extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability , " said richard stengel , time ' s managing editor
    该杂志执行总编理查德?斯坦格尔说, 《时代》杂志赞赏普京“作为领导人所取得的卓越成绩,他领导俄罗斯从混乱走向稳定” 。
  • " people will listen to you , but you ' ve got to cut to the chase . " katherine walker , the editor - in - chief of reader ' s digest british edition , said london was tenth out of 18 european cities tested
    《读者文摘》英国版总编凯瑟琳?沃克在谈到伦敦在测试的18个欧洲城市中排第十位时说: “大家会听你讲话,但是你必须开门见山,直奔主题。 ”
  • Elizabeth sporkin , people ' s executive editor , said for the first time the list was picked by online readers and not the magazine ' s editors . she said aniston , " the natural , " won by 54 percent
    《人物》杂志的执行总编伊丽莎白?斯珀金表示,这是首次经网上读者评选,而不是通过杂志的编辑评选。她表示,取名为“自然”的安妮斯顿以54 %的选票夺冠。
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