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  • An attribute that specifies what type of information can be stored in a column , parameter , or variable . system - supplied data types are provided by sql server
    2 .在transact - sql语句中,是指解析对数据库对象的引用时,执行语句的sql server实例。
  • The topics in this section contain tables of the visual basic declaration and executable statements , and of important lists that apply to many statements
    本节的主题包含visual basic声明和可执行语句的表格,以及适用于许多语句的重要列表的表格。
  • The key performance benefit of parameterized queries is that the optimizer can formulate an access path that can be reused over repeated executions of the statement
  • Indicates a problem in the database engine software , but the statement completes execution , and the connection to the instance of the database engine is maintained
  • Keyword marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual - exclusion lock for a given object , executing a statement , and then releasing the lock
  • Test transact - sql statements and stored procedures in the development phase of a project by single - stepping through statements to confirm that the code works as expected
    在项目开发阶段,通过单步执行语句来测试transact - sql语句和存储过程,以确保代码按预期方式运行。
  • When set showplan xml is on , sql server returns execution information for each statement without executing it , and transact - sql statements are not executed
    如果set showplan _ xml为on ,则sql server将在不执行语句的情况下返回每个语句的执行信息。 transact - sql语句不被执行。
  • All statements fall into one of two categories : declaration statements , which name a variable , constant , or procedure and can also specify a data type ; or
    所有语句都属于以下两个类别之一: “声明语句” (该语句命名变量、常数或过程,并还可指定数据类型)或“可执行语句” (它启动操作) 。
  • If the statement is executed repeatedly , a completely new transact - sql string must be built for each execution , even when the only differences are in the values supplied for the parameters
    如果重复执行语句,则即使只有提供的参数值不同,每次执行时也必须生成全新的transact - sql字符串。
  • Is responsible for measuring performance statistics for executing statements , tracks the connections used to acquire statements , and tracks the sql strings associated with prepared and callable statements
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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