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  • [ bbe ] because they all put in something out of what they had no need for ; but she out of her need put in all she had , even all her living
  • The economy in hong kong is gradually recovering from the 1997 financial turmoil , although not everyone is fortunate enough to benefit from the recovery
  • However , the lack of professional supervision and possible burn out due to the difficulties of dementia care were threats to the social workers
  • Any remaining places will then be open to other trainees who are not sitting for the abrsm examinations , but wish to receive grade 6 to grade 8 aural training
  • An ox or a lamb which has more or less than its natural parts , may be given as a free offering ; but it will not be taken in payment of an oath
  • Let him that stole steal no more : but rather let him labour , working with his hands the thing which is good , that he may have to give to him that needeth
    弗4 : 28从前偷窃的、不要再偷总要劳力、亲手作正经事、就可有馀、分给那缺少的人。
  • 28 he who has been stealing must steal no longer , but must work , doing something useful with his own hands , that he may have something to share with those in need
  • [ bbe ] an ox or a lamb which has more or less than its natural parts , may be given as a free offering ; but it will not be taken in payment of an oath
  • Protein is synthesized in the liver from amino acids absorbed from the intestines . excessive amino acids will be converted into urea and excreted form the body
  • Yet a sizeable invisible trade surplus of around $ 89 billion was still recorded in 1998 , more than offsetting the deficit on the visible trade account
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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