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  • Hopefully , it will also refer readers back to sir wilfred ' s two great books , and to sentences as lovely as this : “ memories of that first visit to the marshes have never left me : ( 8 ) firelight on a half - turned face , the crying of geese , duck flighting [ 16 ] in to feed , a boy ' s voice singing somewhere in the dark , canoes moving in procession down a waterway , the setting sun seen crimson through the smoke of burning reed - beds , narrow waterways that wound still deeper into the marshes
    但愿这本传记也能让读者重新想起威福瑞那两本伟大著作,想起这些动人的语句: “沼泽地的第一次旅行始终萦怀:映照在侧头而望的脸上的火光,群鹅的鸣叫,结对飞入觅食的鸭子,黑暗某处男孩的歌声,顺水而行的独木舟,透过芦苇垫燃烧发出的浓烟看到那绯红的落日,狭窄的河道蜿蜒而入沼泽深处。 ”
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