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  • This ability is constantly active and can not only manipulate objects but also use magic items like wands , staffs , rods , and some wondrous items ( like a bag of tricks )
    该能力持续生效,不但能操控物件,还能使用魔法物品,如魔杖、法杖、权杖和某些奇物(比如便利袋) 。
  • Whoever its creator was , or whenever he lived and in which place , this staff was nonetheless clearly build for only one purpose - clearing the world of vampires
    不管这法杖的制造者是谁,什么年代住在什么地方,但它的唯一制造目的? ?清理全世界的吸血鬼? ?却是毋庸置疑的。
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