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  • If you ingest water , fish or blue - green algal products containing elevated levels of toxins , you may experience headaches , fever , diarrhoea , abdominal pain , nausea and vomiting
  • The twins were now playing in the most approved brotherly fashion , till at last master jacky who was really as bold as brass there was no getting behind that deliberately kicked the ball as hard as ever he could down towards the seaweedy rocks
  • Although the studies show they can survive increases of two to three degrees celsius with the heat tolerant algae , joan kleypas says there might be a limit on how much more adjustment they can make , but no one knows for sure
    虽然学者们研究表示珊瑚虫现在可以在新的海藻的保护下可以抵抗2 - 3摄氏度的温度提升,但是琼克蕾普丝认为这可能是他们能够适应的一个极限,不过没有能够肯定。
  • This article introduced the principles for making seacell fibers and analyzed the types , sources , composition and bioactivities of seaweeds , as well as the absorption properties of the seaweed particles for silver ions during the activation process
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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