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  • If necessary , use detergents first and rinse thoroughly with water before using bleach for disinfection
  • If necessary , use detergents first and rinse thoroughly with water before using bleach for disinfection
  • Clean the home and office at least once a day using disinfectant or a solution of diluted household bleach
  • Clean the home and office at least once a day using disinfectant or a solution of diluted household bleach
  • They should be washed wiped with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution or steam cleaned regularly
    室内陈设应定期以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水清洗拭抹,或定期以蒸气清洁。
  • Wipe thoroughly with a 1 : 99 solution of diluted household bleach mix 1 part household bleach with 99 parts water
    以1 : 99即把1份家用漂白水混和99份清水的稀释家用漂白水
  • Clean and disinfect common areas at least twice a day using a stronger bleach solution 1 part bleach : 49 parts water
    每天用较浓的1 : 49稀释家用漂白水至少清洁和消毒两次。
  • If contaminated with body fluids , they should be washed wiped with a 1 : 49 diluted household bleach solution immediately
    如室内陈设被体液弄污,应立即以1 : 49稀释家用漂白水清洗拭抹。
  • If cleaning vomitus , use 1 : 49 diluted household bleach solution . rinse the area with water and wipe dry
    清理呕吐物要用1 : 49稀释家用漂白水,其后用清水冲洗被呕吐物弄污的地方以及抹乾。
  • Then pour a teaspoonful of 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution and pour clean water down the drain after 5 minutes
    然后把一茶匙1 : 99稀释家用漂白水倒进排水口,五分钟后再倒清水入内
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