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  • Household and similar electrical appliances - safety - part 2 - 9 : particular requirements for toasters , grills , roasters and similar appliances
    家用和类似用途电器.安全性.第2 - 9部分:烤面包机烤架烘烤炉和类似电器的特殊要求
  • While women did not particularly want items including the television , cds , dvds , and toaster , they were keen their ex - husband did not get them
    尽管女性并不是特别想要诸如电视机、 cd 、 dvd碟片和烤面包机等,但他们仍然希望前夫也不要带走这些东西。
  • The ads can say " buy toasters at amazon " , or " buy clock radios at amazon , " and they didn ' t have to pay $ 2 , 000 to create each version of the ad
    这个广告可以说“在亚马逊买烤面包机” ,或者“在亚马逊买时钟收音机” ,但他们不必去花费2000美金去创建每个版本的广告。
  • Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - particular requirements - particular requirements for commercial grillers and toasters - particular requirements for commercial electric grillers and toasters
  • By 1933 , 80 percent of the bread sold in the united states was pre - sliced , leaving hungry americans standing before their toasters wondering , " what was the greatest thing before sliced bread ?
    到了1933年,美国市场上出售的面包80都是切片面包,惹得饥肠辘辘的美国人站在烤面包机前直纳闷: “切片面包出现之前最伟大的事情是什么? ”
  • Every toaster , lawn mower and mobile phone is designed to minimise the risk of causing injury ? yet people still manage to electrocute themselves , lose fingers or fall out of windows in an effort to get a better signal
    每一台烤面包机,割草机和移动电话都被设计成对人伤害最小化的样式? ?不过类似电击,手指被割掉或者为了找信号而坠楼的事故仍旧不断的上演。
  • Improved efficiencies can be realized all along the energy chain , from the conversion of primary energy ( oil , for example ) to energy carriers ( such as electricity ) and finally to useful energy ( the heat in your toaster )
    效率的提升可以实现在整条能源供应链上,从初级能源(例如原油)的转换,到能源输送(例如电力) ,以及最后的能源使用(例如家用烤面包机) 。
  • With a touchscreen , a linux device can become a controller for a slew of devices such as a digital video recorder , a tivo - like personal video recorder , a media center , a smart - house system , or even a control interface to a toaster
    使用触摸屏, linux程序就可以成为很多设备的控制器,例如数字录像机、类似tivo的个人录像机、媒体中心、智能房屋系统或者烤面包机的控制界面。
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