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  • Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - horizontal method for the enumeration of - glucuronidase - positive escherichia coli - colony - count technique at 44 c using 5 - bromo - 4 - chloro - 3 - indolyl - d - glucuronide
    食品和动物饲料的微生物学.葡糖苷酸酶阳性大肠杆菌计数的水平方法. 44下用5溴- 4氯3吲哚- - d葡糖苷酸的菌落记数技术
  • Scientists have developed a new data transfer protocol for the internet fast enough to download a full - length dvd movie in less than five seconds , the california institute of technology said today
  • The empirical research involves sit discriminants to consmict a multivariate model and a relatively satisfying result . chapter 5 focuses on the fmancial sthecture ' s influence on the macro - economy there also exists optimized flnancial structure
  • In july of 2001 , the ministry of education declared uniform draft of experiment on science curriculum standard from seven to nine grade , and determined to generalize and carry out it all over the country in about five years
    2001年7月,教育部颁布了统一的科学( 7 9年级)课程标准(实验稿) ,并决定用5年左右的时间,在全国范围内推广和落实。
  • It took nearly forty years for the first 50 million people to own a radio , just 16 years for the first 50 million people to own a pc , but just 5 years for the first 50 million to be on the internet
  • In the thirties , pepesi cola beverage was announced through radio for the first time in the world , highest price make a reduction half for cent of one hundred thing beverages at that time , make customer can buy cent of beverages with 5 , thus drawn back the prelude of the fight of the first price in american soft drink industry
  • After that the aoa in different parts of rose flower organs and petals from various developmental stages and have been investigated . it was found that the aoa of petals , stamen & pistil was higher than other parts ; the aoa of petals trended to be lower during the process of development , mature and ageing . 3
    用5种不同方法证实了玫瑰花具有很强的抗氧化活性后,对其不同发育时期和花器官不同部位的抗氧化活性进行比较,发现花瓣和花蕊是玫瑰花的主要抗氧化部位;随着发育、成熟和衰老,花瓣的抗氧化活性总体上呈下降趋势; 3
  • We design the qmf based on the criteria of minimum frequency bandwidth and the qmf that possess linear phase , and give a example of a signal decomposed and restructured . 4 . in the research of channel dropping filters , we use 5 rank butterworth filter to approach the digital filter . we design lc unpower netwok and rc power network . we manufacture lc lowpass and highpass filter , and test their performance ; we simulate the appliance of the channel dropping filters in the system
    4 .在频带分割滤波器的设计方法中,用5阶巴特沃斯滤波器逼近最小频宽正交镜像滤波器,对无源和有源滤波器进行了仿真设计;设计并制作了无源lc低通和高通滤波器,测试了它们的性能;并对分割滤波器在系统中的应用进行了计算机仿真。
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