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  • The parameters of double - wishbone suspension are very complicated . these all make it difficult to analyze the motion of the double - wishbone suspension . an analyzing and designing method based on multibody system model is put forward in this study
  • The traditional evaluation method is to build the vehicle model with mathematical differential equation , then pre - evaluate its comfort performance in the frequency domain . all the conclusions are interpreted and expressed in curve and data , which is invisual and lack of interactivity
  • This method possesses more visual property and its result of calculation is more tally with the practical condition when compared with other methods , thus provided a comparatively accurate and practical method for the design of steering trapezoidal mechanism of double wishbone typed independent suspension frame
  • He put mathematics on the high abstract level same as the others . the abstract nature of mathematics is set up on the basis of direct and concrete targets . developing visual thinking ( exploiting right brain ) is the basis of enriching moral emotion and building perfect personality
  • So the thesis proposes that use stochastic petri net as the expression of them in the front - end , use gillespie - gibson algorithm to perform the simulation processes in the back - end . thus not only can express biological processes intuitively , but also obtain rapid simulation speed
    因此提出前台用随机petri网描述,后台采用gillespie - gibson随机模拟算法进行模拟,进而分析系统的性能,这样既保留了生物过程描述的直观性,又大大提高了模拟的速度。
  • On the characteristics of photographs . firstly , this part discusses the four cornmon features of photographs : facticity , objectivity time efficiency , and sociality . based upon that , the four personalities of news photograph are pllt forward - - - readability , implication , appreciablity and independence
  • The representation of the process of simplification of dfsm is researched , the disadvantage of the linear sequential representation are pointed out , the representation of the process of simplification of dfsm called simplification tree are given , which is intuitionistic and effective
    摘要文章讨论确定有限状态机( dfsm )简化过程的表示问题,指出传统的线性顺序法存在直观性差、层次不分明、难于理解的不足,提出简化树法,它具有直观、有效的特点。
  • With the development of the enterprise information and technology , it provides new opportunities and environment for product maintenance and makes it easy for enterprises communicating with customers in different regions . it has the characteristics of real - time , correctness and visualizing
  • There are many different methods can be used into maglev control system . in those methods , state feedback and pid are used as of a traditional way while states observer and some other methods are used as modern methods . different methods can result different control characters
    用于磁浮列车控制的方法很多,从状态反馈控制、 pid调节等经典控制技术到状态观测器等现代控制技术都能够达到稳定控制的结果,但是不同方法的有效性、直观性和简便性却不尽相同。
  • The idea of object - oriented is introduced to analyze the basic physical entities , basic logical entities and simulation environment entities in traffic simulation system . terms in traffic field , which covers the gap between models and real system , is adopted to enhance the visualization and easy - comprehension
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