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  • Mr . cuomo took pains in his presentations to counter any notion that he was meddling in the city ' s affairs , or trying to dictate policy choices , or seeking greater powers over city spending by the control board , which he heads
  • Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare komodo dragons , whose paternity remains a mystery . the four reptiles were born last month from a clutch laid at london zoo by a female called sungai
  • " either female komodo dragons are spermthecal , meaning that they have the ability to store sperm or fertilised eggs for long periods , in this case for two years , or they are parthogenetic , meaning that they are self - reproductive - they produce clones of themselves , " de la panouse said
    其一,每只雌性科莫多巨蜥都有受精囊,这意味着它们有能力在很长一段时间存储精子或受精卵。由此看来, sungai可能就将精子或受精卵存储了两年之久。
  • Leading designers and branding experts who have assisted global giants such as docomo , lg electronics , apple , british airways , nokia and vodafone are visiting china to show companies how cutting - edge design and powerful branding can help them win in international markets
    由英国工业设计和品牌方面专家组成的代表团今天抵达北京进行访问,他们此行的目的是会见中国企业的负责人和业界的专家,共同探讨中英双方在设计和品牌方面合作的前景。英国是世界领先的设计和品牌强国,在ntt多科莫、 lg 、苹果、
  • The most famous examples include the gorilla in 1847 ( and the mountain gorilla in 1902 ) , the giant panda in 1869 , the okapi ( a short - necked relative of the giraffe ) in 1901 , the komodo dragon in 1912 , the bonobo ( or pygmy chimpanzee ) in 1929 , the megamouth shark in 1976 and the giant gecko in 1984
    最著名的例子包括1847年的大猩猩(与1902年的山地大猩猩) 、 1869年的大猫熊、 1901年的欧卡皮鹿(长颈鹿的一种短颈亲戚) 、 1912年的科莫多巨蜥、 1929年的巴诺布猿、 1976年的巨嘴鲨,以及1984年的巨型壁虎。
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