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  • Pad . hcv - c , pad . hcv - cel and pad . hcv - ce ! e2 were packed and screened by virus plaques technique , identified to be good infectivity and expressivity of inserted hcv structural proteins or fusional structural . in contrast to plasmid dna vector , adenovirus vectors appeared to be better immunizational effects and with the hope of being developed to be vaccine against hcv
    Hcv ceiez ,经鉴定具有较好的感染性,能较好的表达插入的hcv结构蛋白或融合结构蛋臼,与质粒dna载体相比,腺病毒载体具有更好的免疫效果,可望发展成为抗hcv感染的腺病毒载体疫苗。
  • It is the most important antigen in developing immunity against the virus . in addition , antigenicity and immunogenicity may very depend on the region of ha expressed , and ha1 is the most suitable expression region . in this study , the ha1 gene of a / chicken / guangdong / 2 / 97 ( h5nl ) aiv were cloned by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) using primers designed and the sequences and amino acids were analyzed with molecular softpakage
    血凝素蛋白( ha )是禽流感病毒最重要的结构蛋白,占囊膜蛋白的90 ,是诱导体液免疫的主要靶抗原,并且还能诱导细胞毒性t细胞作用,另外ha各部分的抗原性和免疫原性也有差别,研究表明, ha1的免疫原性以及抗原性强于ha2 。
  • In this research , the gpv hl isolate was propagated with 13 day ' s duck embryos . a pair of primers gflgr used to arnplify vp3 gene was designed using oligo4 . i software according to the whole nucleotide sequence of gpv b isolate published by zadori . the major structural protein vp3 gene was amplified from the dna of gpv hl isoiate by polymerase chain reaction ( pcr ) , and then cloned into pmdl8 - t vecter
    根据zadori等发表的gpvb株全基因核苷酸序列,借助oligo4 . 1软件设计了1对用以扩增主要结构蛋白vp3基因的引物gf / gr ,通过pcr技术,从病毒基因组dna中扩增出病毒主要结构蛋白vp3完整基因片段,经酶切鉴定后直接与pmd18 - t质粒载体连接。
  • Thirteen putative epitopes showing characteristics of antigenic epitope were found from the analysis information . using pcr , the nucleotide acid fragments encoding these putative epitopes were amplified , then cloned into the expression vector miske . the positive recombinant phage displying the epitopes were found out by using pcr , sequencing and the determination of phage plaque titer
    运用goldenkey分子生物学软件对prrsvbj - 4结构蛋白的抗原表位及其二级结构进行了分析和比较,从中筛选13段显示表位特征的氨基酸残基序列,用pcr技术扩增相应的核苷酸片段,将其插入到噬菌体表达载体m13ke ,结果预测的13个表位可在噬菌体表面得以展示。
  • The sequences of the structural protein genes and deduced a mino acid sequence of isolate lx4 were compared . by computer software , complete main structural genes sequence of ibv domestic strain and molecular characteristic genetic - variant analyses , and probably t cell and b cell epitopes of the main structural protein of infectious bronchitis virus were analyzed premently
  • The orf1 proteins of all four chinese senv isolates had two motifs ( ftl and yxxk ) which were conserved in replication - associated proteins . in all four chinese senv isolates , the putative non - structure orf2 protein had a cav - like region . the putative orf3 protein had a serine - rich tract preceded by a cluster of basic amino acids ( r and k ) . database scaning suggested this region had high a percentage of homology with dna topoisomerase i protein of d . melanogaster , and might play an important role in the replication of such single - stranded dna viruses
    所有这四个中国分离株,均保留了o即1中与复制有关的保守序列( ftl和yxxk ) :在推测是非结构蛋白的orfz中均含有cav样保守区w ‘ x7一h一x3一c一xl一c一xs一h ; orf3蛋白的碱性氨基酸(精氨酸和赖氨酸)簇后紧接着一个富含丝氨酸的区域,与d . molanogaster的dna拓扑异构酶i有一定的同源性,推测在单链dna的复制中起作用。
  • The close genetic relationship of goose parvoviruse and aav allows the examination of the molecular biological properties of the nonstructural proteins of gpv . after the gpv infected the cell the viral life cycle was regulated by the nonstructural proteins encoded by the virus . according to the published of gpv b strain genome nucleotide sequences in genbank and a pair of specific primers were disigned with oligo4 . 1
    本研究根据genbank发表的gpvb株全基因序列,借助oligo4 . 1软件设计一对引物,采用pcr技术扩增gpvh1株非结构蛋白ns2基因,并与pmd18 - t载体连接后测序,结果表明:鹅细小病毒h1株ns2基因核苷酸全长1356bp ,编码451个氨基酸残基,与gpvb株的ns2基因相比,核苷酸数目相同,有17个碱基、 6个氨基酸的差异;同源性分析表明:二者核苷酸序列同源性为98 . 75 ,推导氨基酸序列同源性为98 . 67 。
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