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  • Nothing to do but hitch your rope ladder to the battlements , shin down it , break your leg in the moat - because a rope ladder is nineteen foot too short , you know - and there s your horses and your trusty vassles , and they scoop you up and fling you across a saddle , and away you go to your native langudoc , or navarre , or wherever it is . it s gaudy , huck . i wish there was a moat to this cabin
  • Now , the way i look at it , a hickry - bark ladder don t cost nothing , and don t waste nothing , and is just as good to load up a pie with , and hide in a straw tick , as any rag ladder you can start ; and as for jim , he ain t had no experience , and so he don t care what kind of a -
    依我看,用胡桃树皮做成一挂绳梯,既不用花什么钱,又不用糟塌东西,也一样可以包在馅饼里,藏在草垫子底下,跟布条编的绳梯一个样。至于杰姆,他并没有什么经验,因此他不会在乎究竟是什么一种” “哦,别胡说了,哈克芬,我要是像你那样缺乏知识的话,我宁愿不则声的我就会这么做。
  • Then the arterile eminted intertubular capillaries and peritubular capillaries forming rope - ladder - like pattems . then the venule were collected and became testis veins , then mass into rete venosum , finally some venule formed pampiniform plexus and others entered into varicosity . 3 . changes or testicular microvascular architecture : testicular capillary vessel formed intertubular capillaries and peritubular capillaries . but donot formed rope - ladder - like patterns capillary net in postnatal 3 weeks . there were rope - ladder - like patterns capillary nets around seminiferous tubules in postnatal 3 and 12 months
    微血管构筑的增龄变化: 3周龄组睾丸动脉在实质内已形成了管周微动脉和管间微静脉,但绳梯状的毛细血管网尚未形成; 3月龄组与12月龄组微血管构筑呈中文摘要现定的构烈特点,在生精小管周围形成绳梯状的毛细血管网: 18月与24月龄组苹丸萎缩,微而管构筑变得不很规则。
  • Nat didn t look when we put the witch pie in jim s pan ; and we put the three tin plates in the bottom of the pan under the vittles ; and so jim got everything all right , and as soon as he was by himself he busted into the pie and hid the rope ladder inside of his straw tick , and scratched some marks on a tin plate and throwed it out of the window - hole
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