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  • The waiter saw fo yin a monk , so he showed very coldly , but was passionate to su dongpo
  • Su dongpo asked foyin : “ kwan - yin became to the buddha long long ago , but why did he still twirl payer beads
    苏东坡就问佛印: “观世音菩萨,岂不是老早老早以前便已成佛?他还捻个念珠做什么? ”
  • Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as su dongpo
  • It is said that su dongpo and foyin had a visit to the tian zhu temple by the lake . they saw that the statue kwan - yin twirled prayer beads
  • Su dongpo felt very guilty , and reminded the waiter to be polite to fo yin . but the waiter was a snob and still more passionate to su dongpo
  • The famous litterateur su dongpo in song dynasty wrote down such sentence : ” eating 300 lychees a day , i ' d rather stay here permanently . " the place fulled of lychees refered to gaozhou
  • Six banyan trees temple and flower pagoda built in the year 537 , six banyan trees temple and flower pagoda is a famous buddhist scenic spot in guangzhou . six banyan trees pagoda is 58 metres high
    历经修建更名,至宋朝元符三年(一一O O年) ,苏东坡来游时见塔畔植有苍劲翠绿的榕树六株,题书六榕,后人觉六榕含意深远,将寺及塔名改为六榕寺及六榕塔。
  • This legend , which is certainly worlds apart from true history , sheds precious light on the fact that the west lake is a treasure that the labouring people of hangzhou have brought into shape through numerous generations of hard labour
    曾经两度当过杭州“市长”的宋代大诗人苏东坡有了结论: “西湖天下景,游者无愚贤,深浅随所得,谁能识其全。 ”西湖的美确实是极具特色的。
  • Traditionally su ' s " literary works " featuring the works of many pieces of this springs from cliff yushan son in a simple black - and - white material alone meticulously carved jade , color changes , the transition rich , rightly , jade opened
  • After his death , his son gambled away the garden . when taiping troops occupied suzhou in 1860 , king zhongwang picked this one and the neighboring buildings of the present historical museum as a residence and center for his political activities . three - fifths of its area is covered by magnificent ponds
    “与谁同坐”取自苏东坡的词句“与谁同坐,明月清风我” ,所以一见匾额,就会想起苏东坡,并立时感到这里可赏水中之月,可受清风之爽。
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