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  • In this paper , we analyzed the design of software architecture , and put forward a " 2 + 3 " model of bmsep based on the p . kruchten ' s " 4 + 1 " model . since the software development process is very crucial for the quality of software products , we established a development process of bmsep by adopting the rational unified process , with minor modification . combining with the " 2 + 3 " model we introduce an architecture - based engineering development approach , which aims at reuse and emphasizes analysis and design of system architecture
    基于此,本文围绕如何建立用电营业这类系统的工程化开发方法为主线,以系统性复用为目的,强调系统体系结构的设计,依据p . kruchten提出的软件体系结构的“ 4 + 1 ”模型,并结合用电营业系统需求,提出了用电营业应用系统族体系结构的“ 2 + 3 ”视图模型;同时借鉴rationalunifiedprocess对以体系结构为中心的软件开发过程进行了研究,建立了基于体系结构的用电营业应用系统族开发周期模型;最后以县级用电营业系统的开发为实例详细介绍了整个开发过程从而验证了本方法的有效性。
  • On another aspect , have expounded the fact that represented by oracle that faces the application in the system integration of internet of target ' s data base in article , by studying the charge of the power system , open systematic workflow and open analysis and research of the data base systematically with electricity to original useful electricity , improvement scheme that has proposed better
  • For the systems like business management system of electric power ( bmsep ) , which has many common features , if we do n ' t adopt the concept of reuse in the development process it will lead to not only enormous waste of software resource , but also great increase of software development cost _ and software development cycle , and the result is that users " and markets " need cannot be met
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