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  • When the sql server database engine communicates with an application , it formats the communication in a microsoft communication format called a
    当sql server数据库引擎与应用程序通信时,它将使用称为“表格格式数据流”
  • After working with databases , you will probably become proficient at reading tables and query results in their raw tabular form
  • A column in a table that displays the result of an expression rather than stored data . for example , calculatedcostcolumn price quantity
  • The data format and the form ir56b layout of the self - developed software must be submitted to the inland revenue department for approval before use
  • The data format and the form i . r . 56b layout of the self - developed software must be submitted to the inland revenue department for approval before use
    电脑软件的有关资料数据格式及i . r . 56b表格格式须经税务局预先批核方可作报税用。
  • The jsp found in the sample application simply instantiates a java object and uses the displaytag tag library to display the entries in a tabular form
  • The tabular format helps to structure an investigation around concepts , or groups , that have a clear organisational meaning for those involved in an incident
  • As long as the software that owns the data exposes the data in a tabular rowset through an ole db provider , the data can be used in distributed queries
    只要拥有数据的软件通过ole db访问接口在表格格式行集中公开其数据,就可在分布式查询中使用此数据。
  • For capacity planning purposes , note that unlike the tabular data stream protocol , soap performance varies by application and can require additional server resource overhead
    出于容量计划的目的,请注意,与表格格式数据流( tds )协议不同, soap性能因应用程序而异,并可能要求额外的服务器资源开销。
  • Inline function if a user - defined function contains a single select statement and that statement is updatable , then the tabular result returned by the function is also updatable
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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