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  • A symbol that represents one of the nonnegative integers smaller than the radix . in decimal notation , one of the characters from0to9
  • The number is converted to the most compact of either fixed - point or scientific notation , depending on the type of the number and whether a precision specifier is present
  • For example , a numeric value can be formatted in hexadecimal , scientific notation , or a series of digits separated into groups with a user - specified punctuation mark
  • Plan numbers , account numbers and other fields containing the letter e sometimes display as scientific notation , not as alphanumeric text . this happens when the file is imported into microsoft
  • For example , format specifiers indicate whether a formatted number should be represented in scientific notation , or whether a formatted date should present the month as a number or a name
  • Fixed - point notation is used if the exponent that would result from expressing the number in scientific notation is greater than - 5 and less than the precision specifier ; otherwise , scientific notation is used
    如果用科学记数法表示数字时指数大于- 5而且小于精度说明符,则使用固定点表示法;否则使用科学记数法。
  • One or more digits , produced in connection with an arithmetic operation on one digit place of two or more numerals in positional notation , that are forwarded to another digit place for processing there
  • This paper discusses the numeration of the positive integer , negative number and fraction in suanshushu , and points out its characteristics and its roles in the history of mathematics
  • It is reali zed that the invisible part of the object can be shadowed , using the max imum or minimum enveloping rectangle method and the counter of points of intersection method , etc . ( 3 ) the boolean operation between integrity or unintegrity bodys is supplied
    分析并讨论了形体产生隐藏线、隐藏面的原因,利用了最大最小外包矩形法、交点记数法等,实现了任意形体的消隐算法。 ( 3 )完成了形体间的正则、非正则布尔运算。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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